Blue Iris in a business environment. Who has used it or installed it?

It sounds like you're at a pivotal moment with this business project, and there’s definitely a lot to consider when transitioning from residential to business-grade systems.
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Kinda funny this has popped up after 2 years.
My company is in the middle of it's first Dahua Camera and NVR system install. It's dinky (NVR8CH-8P-2AI and 7 x IP-T54IR-ZE 4MP). Sent all 4 techs over to learn pro's/con's/how/how not to, do residential Cat6 wiring as professional as possible.
This customer understands this is our first trial run of installing Cat6 in residential atmosphere. We have always done warehouse or office space (drop ceiling and sometimes not drop ceiling but with work arounds). And our first NVR install so he is AOK with goof ups and training hiccups as we go since I gave him basically at cost for all equip and labor.
I choose the NVR route, even with P2P being turned on because setting up Blue Iris in a residential environment with someone who has little to no IT/LAN skills is asking for trouble. However, I did warn him that with the use of P2P, cameras & NVR will phone home to China. Maybe in the future, I would feel more comfortable installing Blue Iris on a Windows PC and working with a customer's router on a dynamic IP that has VPN so that UI3 can be heavily used.
I did talk to Andy while purchasing the equipment. Future could look bright!
Have already been approached by a woman's shelter advocate of the suggestion of making a separate non-profit business to assist with those in need of NVR & IP cameras for woman's shelter, domestic violence victims in residential settings, etc. Going to have to talk to my CPA about that or someone but... hopefully, that will be the next step in the future.
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When are these bots going to learn not to resurrect a necro thread and to stick with current topics? Artificial NoIntelligence...
Like the one above that waited 2 years to reply to Holbs? :confused: