so noticed today 3 of my cameras at 1:17pm went black, "failed to connect"
the doorbell kicked back in at 1:25pm, the other 2 are still black " failed to connect"
nothing was touched in network, no power outage, no issues
i tried to unplug from switch and plug back in , restart BI,
when i ping a good camera it comes back with same IP received
when i try to ping the 2 that went black, it replies back from different IP address for some reason ? not sure if thats normal
the doorbell kicked back in at 1:25pm, the other 2 are still black " failed to connect"
nothing was touched in network, no power outage, no issues
i tried to unplug from switch and plug back in , restart BI,
when i ping a good camera it comes back with same IP received
when i try to ping the 2 that went black, it replies back from different IP address for some reason ? not sure if thats normal