Blue Iris Recording Stutter/Crash and Antivirus

Try continuously pinging the camera. If you get big latency spikes or packet loss that would indicate a network issue. This is a good tool to do this and get immediate visual results: bp2008/pingtracer
doubt its the cable
1.Sd card footage is perfect, so not power supply..
2.We dont think its the cable
I will try the ping tool tonight

This just started yesterday.. have a practically brand new switch and other cams are perfect thru it.. its happening on blue iris and the nvr.. its some type of Bandwidth it seems..
Fenderman - no it is a dahua.

Cainrand - I don't think I'm out of resources. Cpu is steady around 23% and system has 8 GB RAM. I'm going to fire up resource mon and see if maybe there is some disk queuing going on. Disabling a/v entirely is also something I'll try tonight.
Im Im getting this same is freeze.. i have a netgear gigabit switch which is like 2 months old.. everything was working great.. now getting this freezing between 5 to 10 secs only during auto tracking moments .
I give up.. nothing seems to work.. ping is fine.. i plugged camera straight to router and seemed to help.. maybe my switch if going bad..i dont know
Good god.. after my relentlessness, i set the receive buffer to 10mb and its seems to have corrected the problem... Ill post back if the problem occurs again
That wouldn't explain why it only occurs during movement and why the NVR has the same problem...