You got that totally backwards Fenderman (do you play guitar), I am more than happy being the babysitter, that's the role I accepted when I choose to install my own surveillance system rather than have a pro do it. I login daily to make sure all is good and to view recordings and other routine stuff. I'm a reasonably technical person and I do enjoy tinkering to a point. Where I get stuck and need support is when there is something wrong that I can't correct within a reasonable amount of time and effort. I can see by the 16k posts you have that your very passionate about BI and are able to dedicate significant time to support your own system and other users that come here for help. I thank you and others like you that can do that. I however do not have that kind of time to dedicate to my system and I have the expectation that a commercial software application that I purchased and have paid extended support on should either work (as it normally has) or be guided by the vendor to help me make it once again, just work. BTW, I purchased my extended support 4 days ago and have not heard a single peep from Ken.