Blue iris telegram bot setup


Mar 24, 2022
south africa
Hi all

new to this and followed the instructions at:

and everything appears to be setup correctly. got the images loading into the folder asit should, but when I run the script, nothing comes through to the telegram group.

SET PICFolder=C:\BlueIris\Telegram_Alerts
::Get Latest File
for /f %%i in ('dir "%PICFolder%" /b/a-d/od/t:c') do set LAST=%%i
rem for /f %i in ('dir "%PICFolder%" /b/a-d/od/t:c') do set LAST=%i

CURL -F chat_id=-75004XXXX -F photo=@C:\BlueIris\Telegram_Alerts\%LAST%

I think it could be around Curl, but not sure where to begin fault finding, any ideas?
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I don't use Telegram, however you may want edit your message to hide your chat ID and I've seen others masking their bot information in the curl https string also...

Have you checked out this troubleshooting thread?

I don't use Telegram, however you may want edit your message to hide your chat ID and I've seen others masking their bot information in the curl https string also...

Have you checked out this troubleshooting thread?

The chat has four XXXX at the end, so doubt they will get anywhere with it. have done the same to the ID. will look at the troubleshoot and confirm
The chat has four XXXX at the end, so doubt they will get anywhere with it. have done the same to the ID. will look at the troubleshoot and confirm
Hi there, do not know if you got it to work. but one issue could be that curl line should be as a one liner, and not two as it appears