Blue Iris UI3

Somehow I can't get audio working in UI3.
Webcasting audio is enabled and I use h264 streams in latest chrome using the HTML5-Player.
But I don't even see the audio icon.
Audio works fine in Blue Iris itself.
Is there some hidden setting or something that I need to enable?
There is also a "Webcast audio" checkbox on BI camera properties > Audio tab which could cause audio to be unavailable through UI3.
There is also a "Webcast audio" checkbox on BI camera properties > Audio tab which could cause audio to be unavailable through UI3.

I have recently lost audio capabilities through UI3 as well. I'm not sure when it stopped working. Webcast audio is checked and audio permission is set.
Hi all, I'm running BI x64 on 2012 r2 and noticed today I can't export any clips from UI3 104, I tried updating to 113 and get the same error. It doesn't seem to matter how I configure the output file, it just won't do it.
Error messages attached - any tips or guidance? I know it used to work before I manually updated UI3 - is it just that my BI4 install is too far behind maybe? Haven't found anything useful in the logs.

Annotation 2020-06-30 142031.png
Is it possible on push alerts from external http triggers with the memo set to show the memo in the push alert?

For example my current text is "&NAME (&TYPE) triggered at Home at %X" Is there a variable for what the memo was that sent through?
UI3 version 113, Blue Iris version:

Still can't do audio from a client browser. Sound is totally fine on blue Iris server. This phenomenon has just started happening within the last couple of weeks. Is there something I need to change on the server end? Thanks
UI3 version 113, Blue Iris version:

Still can't do audio from a client browser. Sound is totally fine on blue Iris server. This phenomenon has just started happening within the last couple of weeks. Is there something I need to change on the server end? Thanks

Are you using Safari? I can only get UI3 to play audio using Firefox on my machine. No idea why Safari and Chrome won't work.
That is weird I just tried Firefox and the sound indeed works. Chrome always used to work but not now.
Would it be possible to add a URL parameter to UI3 that could play an alert specified by its database record?
e.g., UI3.htm?play=@858919126

I’m asking because I have an idea to include a link in the subject or text fields of a Blue Iris Action set push message, email, or sms to open UI3 and directly play the alert.
e.g., &WAN/UI3.htm?play=&ALERT_DB
(and because the number of text field characters are limited, it would be nice if parameters &tab=alert and &cam=&CAM were not also needed)
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FYI ...

After upgrading to BI v5.2.9.21, the clips list in UI3 v113 no longer shows a video preview, just a snapshot . The "clock" at the top of the preview window still changes rapidly but the picture doesn't change. The full screen live view works well, including showing the motion overlays (which I have switched on at the moment).

(I've tried browser: Chrome/new Edge, clearing caches, BI viewer: normal/"add motion overlays", quality: 4k/JPEG HD.)

The video preview works again if I revert to BI v5.2.9.20
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[QUOTE = "NielK, inlägg: 463566, medlem: 46841"]
FYI ...

Efter uppgradering till BI v5.2.9.21 visar klipplistan i UI3 v113 inte längre en förhandsgranskning av videon, bara en stillbild. "Klockan" längst upp i förhandsvisningsfönstret ändras fortfarande snabbt men bilden ändras inte. Livsbilden på hela skärmen fungerar bra, inklusive visning av rörelsesöverlagringar (som jag har aktiverat just nu).

(Jag har provat webbläsaren: Chrome / new Edge, rensar cacheminnen, BI-visning: normal / "lägg till rörelseöverlägg", kvalitet: 4k / JPEG HD.)

Förhandsvisningen av videon fungerar igen om jag återgår till BI v5.2.9.20
Jag har samma problem