Getting comfortable
- Feb 5, 2017
- 918
- 901
Or, you know, you could have your camera embed the timestamp in the stream.I forget why you aren't doing that.
Yeah, good point, I should wire that up. I'll probably do it as a checkbox or toggle switch of some kind in the bottom bar where the "Begin Export" and "Cancel" buttons are.Is it possible to add the ability to export without audio? Right click menu could be handy location:
If you and Ken can add a menu to UI3 where I can add cameras and check for server update I'll probably never have to log in to my server directly again.
@bp2008 - can I toss another one your way? I'm running UI3 on an intelstick (woefully underpowered stick PC) on my MBR TV. It plays find on the my best stream, but I keep getting the orange "your CPU is not fast enough" nag box. Is there a way to turn those off, or have them show up only once per session? This is generally the case for most of the other warnings as well (connection lost, underpowered, slow connection (I think)). It would be nice to have them show only once (or not at all)... Thanks!
Good work! One question, how do I add the camera labels now? I can't find it in the settings in UI3.
Also, I saw on someone's imgur screenshot they had the UI filled up wheras ours we have 13 cameras but 3 gaps and not a perfect grid. How do I make the cameras snap to the UI size, like it shows in BI console?
Tweak the frame size here and you might be able to get a better fit.
Oh no, no labels? I really need them, as UI3 is running on a number of big displays around a work site and it helps to identify the zone. What is the reasoning behind not including them?
Is there any way I can do it with a local script?
@bp2008 Loving what you are doing with this! It's making the remote access useful!!
A question which may have been asked before. Is it possible to add the ability to talk back to a camera? I have a cam that has a speaker and I can talk through the cam using the BI app on my tablet. Is it possible to add something like that to UI3?
Just curious and thinking out loud.
Keep up the amazing work!