I am sure if I looked I could find it, but since I have your ear...what port is recommended to use...perhaps I can change things up a bit and see what happens. And thanks for answering my questions!
1, // tcpmux
7, // echo
9, // discard
11, // systat
13, // daytime
15, // netstat
17, // qotd
19, // chargen
20, // ftp data
21, // ftp access
22, // ssh
23, // telnet
25, // smtp
37, // time
42, // name
43, // nicname
53, // domain
77, // priv-rjs
79, // finger
87, // ttylink
95, // supdup
101, // hostriame
102, // iso-tsap
103, // gppitnp
104, // acr-nema
109, // pop2
110, // pop3
111, // sunrpc
113, // auth
115, // sftp
117, // uucp-path
119, // nntp
123, // NTP
135, // loc-srv /epmap
139, // netbios
143, // imap2
179, // BGP
We keep getting the following error: "DEMUXER_ERROR_COULD_NOT_OPEN".
Also, the new version seems really slow. Lots of stuttering in the video and the HTML5 "user input required" before video plays is REALLY annoying (switched over to Javascript - much better).
Yuck that sounded grumpy... We LOVE UI3!!! Great work on it, guys. We really really love it. One thing I wish I could do is have larger Preset thumbnails on mobile - maybe a two width instead of five?
We keep getting the following error: "DEMUXER_ERROR_COULD_NOT_OPEN".
Also, the new version seems really slow. Lots of stuttering in the video and the HTML5 "user input required" before video plays is REALLY annoying (switched over to Javascript - much better).
@actran change your firefox h264 player to the javascript option in ui3's settings panel. Neither player is ideal but javascript is what you had before. I agree it would be nice if all the default streaming profiles had unique abbreviation labels but I am not creative enough to make them unique without just assigning arbitrary text and colors...
I really like ui3. Thank you for providing this! Having said that, my biggest issue is with the arrangements of the cameras. UI3 seems to assume a landscape layout. However, I mostly have a portrait layout, both on a computer as well as mobile devices. Can we have a feature where the cameras are automatically arranged in the most optimal way similar to how the BI console does it? I think one could take over the logic code for arrangement and sizing from BI and convert it to javascript.
What setting seems to be the best in the base server profile?