Blue Iris Upgrade in version 5 gives me an Evaluation Print across the camera's

Gary R.

Young grasshopper
Aug 6, 2017
So I did an upgrade on my backup camera system, yes I have two licenses. I get the Evaluation message across my camera's, so I contact Support and tell them I have 2 licenses and the one is doing this. I was told that that license went out of commission with a the new latest upgrade, and I would have to buy the extended support for it to not show the message. It was still in Version 5, why did the new update do that.

Anybody else get this problem. I think it's bull shit.
So I did an upgrade on my backup camera system, yes I have two licenses. I get the Evaluation message across my camera's, so I contact Support and tell them I have 2 licenses and the one is doing this. I was told that that license went out of commission with a the new latest upgrade, and I would have to buy the extended support for it to not show the message. It was still in Version 5, why did the new update do that.

Anybody else get this problem. I think it's bull shit.
For the 600th time. You get FREE updates for one year - see the BI website. You MUST revert to the version of BI before your support expired. What is bullshit is folks expecting everything for free.
Many threads on this.

You can do any updates up to the expiration date on your order (1 year). After that expiration date, you can remain on latest version available to you and it will continue to work.

BI has always said that but it wasn't until around May 2020 or so that they started to enforce it.

I wouldn't call it a subscription because you can choose to not pay the $30 and stay on the latest version available to you (based on when your one year is up) or pay the $30 and get updates as they happen for the next year. Many people here are still running version 4 with no trouble and haven't paid in years other than the original purchase.

From the help file (page 216):

A license includes basic support and maintenance which means access to email software support and same-version updates for one year from first activation.

BTW most here do not run the latest version. Once we find a stable version, we stay on it until something is added in an update that makes it worth someone's time to upgrade.

I was on an older BI5 version until the substreams option was introduced - that was a game changer so I updated to that update. Then I sat on that update version until DeepStack came out.
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For the 600th time. You get FREE updates for one year - see the BI website. You MUST revert to the version of BI before your support expired. What is bullshit is folks expecting everything for free.

I wasn't complaining about not being able to upgrade, I was complaining about getting the message across the screen. Just heard back from BI, I just need to go back a couple of versions I guess. I downloaded the program from the Internet and must have gotten the latest version. Having trouble on this computer with running out of memory, so I didn't buy the extended service. May get a better computer first, again, it's a backup unit. How do I close the ticket?
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I can relate to that as have had it happen to me. Yes, downloading a new install gets the newest version and have to revert back to older version in the setup tab to get back to one that the old license will accept. I believe there is an archive where one could download an older FULL version to keep on hand for future installs but I am not sure where that is.