I think the sad part is, I was in the communications business for Business for too many years. Got my 25 year pin for the business but doing it in the ham land and business together was always a challenge on how fast things would change, But this stuff, once Set and understood, notes made should be a snap. Small issue I had a heart attack and small stroke that slowed me up some so not the Notes are important.
In this industry you still, kind of, get what you pay for so I can't expect much on this $40 cameras, which I might ad, have been discontinued for some reason that might just be related to some of the issues I am having.
Like I said, they are programmed to work with the APP and do so well but trying to get them Back into
Blue Iris is telling me, something screwy with the cameras. So, yes, make them stupid and start fresh yet again to see what I can do with them.
I know this is not the place but the ham thing. Me, I am in it for the Emergency communications for the most part. Where I am located, cell converge is spotty due to the population. Cell companies are in it for the money so with Ham guys putting up equipment, it picks up all the shaded areas now. So, with one of those Cheap throw away Baofeng $24 dollar 5 watt radios were we are, I have all of the I-5 corridor from up into southern Washington state down into northern California and then into Eastern Oregon as well as the Oregon coast. So, with this one linked system, pretty much just program in all the possible repeaters in the system and as you know, If there is a problem, the Hams are there to help even as they are from all walks of life, generations and so on. Its a brotherhood so to speak and well, if a problem, someone has access to a cell phone to call for help for you.
I stay away from some of the Nets as yes, still some So Called Engineers and Gas Bags ;-)
Oh, because these camera's work with the App, they could care less about anything else so if they did Not respond to the App, I was told by them that they would replace it with a Refurbished one, meaning what, they reflashed it I wonder
Come to think about that, I think they have a firmware file but I can't find anything on this stupid camera APP to show me what version I have in it. Might just flash the little sucker myself as that will make it stupid again.
I Did find a option on the APP that shows the Qnvip settings. Its showing:
Allow Open onvip: is turned On
Allow open rtsp: is turned On
Below that, it also showing the rtsp port as number 10554...Maybe by flipping that rtsp to Off and use that number, who knows.
Just keep stabbing at it
Thanks for your time and ear.
I will keep posting until I fix it or pitch them.