Blue Iris video recording for one month


Young grasshopper
Apr 6, 2015
Dear folks

I am not expert in using Blue Iris V4.0.6 and it seems to me I am not using the right phrase via my google search so I couldn't locate the answer.

I am using Blue Iris for home 3 home ip cameras

Thinking to save video for every day and for one month as my hard drive I TB.

How can achieve that ? I am tempted to fadille with camera properties setting

It can be done if you are only recording when the cameras are triggered. You would need a larger drive if you are recording 24/7 (continuous).
The size of the hard drive depends on some variables. Camera resolution and frame rate are the most important. I have three, 2mp, cameras set at 15fps and it's using about a terabyte of space for a weeks worth of continuous recording. Keeping the videos for a month, in a normal residential setting, is kind of a long time. A week seems about right at least to me.

To set it, go into camera properties for each camera, record, and select continuous in the drop down menu. If you are using schedules, make sure to set it in each schedule period.
I was gone for about 35 days. I run two cameras. I put the low quality feed on each camera on continuous and the high quality of triggered with a 5 second prerecord. So blue iris sees 4 cameras. Hq at 20 for and lq at 12 fps. I also shoot high quality jpgs every second and I believe 5 per second when the cameras are triggered.

I stuck a 4Tb external drive on the system. Used about half of my available space while gone.

Other than the timeline going blank when "zooming" it seems to have done what I needed. Rebuilding or recreating the DB should fix the timeline.

An external drive and the laptop I used are not recommended. But sometimes you have to work with what you have.
Dear folk

My desktop that has blue Iris had problem till I fixed it recently

To set it, go into camera properties for each camera, record, and select continuous in the drop down menu. If you are using schedules, make sure to set it in each schedule period.

Is the snapshot in the ink above all what I need to have clips for one month ? or I need to configure something else ?
I am using the D drive which is a dedicated hard disk to the blue Iris clips

Post a screenshot of your "stored" folder configuration. Then we can provide more input. At present you are moving to the stored folder after 100 gb of recording. What is your daily recording load? If it is more than 3 GB a day you will not hit your 30 days
Post a screenshot of your "stored" folder configuration.
Please advise where should I go to do that as i am newbie
What is your daily recording load ? If it is more than 3 GB a day you will not hit your 30 days
How can I figure that ?
In your screenshot under the word folders you have the New folder selected... I think they want you go move one down to stored. Then screenshot that.
never limit by age...its makes no sense...
use size limits only..
ensure you dont over allocate storage...
read the help file.