Blueiris no live view when service is running?


Oct 12, 2015
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Hi all thanks in advance for any help but this one is confusing me...
I have been using blue iris for 18 months 24/7 to monitor my 4 ip cams on a dedicated windows 10 pro pc without any problems.
I use blue iris service and use the web interface on my local lan to view the cams then when im away i use remote destop to open console to view the cams until 2 days ago.
now when blue iris service is running there is no live view there is just a hole were i can see destop icons and openhardware monitor.
when i open console the icon for logs is red but when I open the log its blank and the windows round circle cursor stops on if i hover over it, if I attempt to change startup and disable the service blueiris console hangs but the service still runs as normal in the backgound. then if I check the service in windows it states that its stopping but it never does. the only way to stop the sevice is to disable it in services and restart the machine. then when open console without the service running everything works correctly except the service isn't running.
so far I have tried latest windows updates and latest drivers uninstalling blue iris and reinstalling and starting from scratch on my config restoring a system image of windows (3 times to try different setups) and using an earlier version of blue iris without the latest windows updates from a time in march when i last did a system image i a know good config.
I have run disk checks so there are no problems, windows is installed on a ssd and the cam record to their own dedicated drive a setup thats been fine for 18 months...
I'm a bit lost so any help would be appriciated...


Oct 12, 2015
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Additional the cam recording thumbnails are visible down the side in the usual place and they playback as normal in the main view then when you close it leaves the last clip overlayed on the main view until you minimise then re open...or play another clip.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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have you changed anything? are you using an admin windows account?


Oct 12, 2015
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Hi no I haven't change any settings most are default the rest are as i've used without problem for 18 months I even inported the vreg back ups of which i have several due ocd backing up of things and tried those...I dont use profiles just basic setup with motion sensing and web server... The windows account was a limited account for remote destop security but its back on admin while i work the problem.
Im crutching at straws now cos wiping windows and going back to a known image and software should work but the same issue im starting to think hardware issue but nothing else is affected. im running memtest at the mo although there would be other issues if memory was to fault.
its like the Blueiris service becomes corrupt.
im going to try it on another pc tomorrow to rule out something i'm doing with the setting and a hardware fault..
The motherboard is a cheap asrock am3 gs760 motherboard with hd3000 on board graphics with the latest driver albeit 2 years old cos amd no longer makes drivers for it. I might try to stress test it tomorrow if i can find some software to do maybe furmark will work.
sorry this is getting like war and peace...
Thanks again...


Jun 19, 2017
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I had something very similar happen to my Blue Iris just yesterday as well. I can view everything fine via the web client, but when I load up the console, I can not view anything in the live Camera view. Clips show up fine on the right side of the screen, and I can view clips just fine, but the live camera feed is just not rendering so I can just see my desktop through it. I ended up having to un-install and re-install it to resolve my issue.


Oct 12, 2015
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I wish that would of worked for me but unfortunately not, So far I have recovered windows from a system image three time reinstalled windows 10 completely twice once with my original iso and once with a new up to date fresh iso downloaded with the media creation tool, I've disk checked hard drive virus scanned put a new graphics card in and a new network card but still the same no live view...
I have narrowed it down to a problem with the fact I'm running 2 network cards and my cams are on their own private network and as soon as I install the second network adapter the service fails and stays broke until I wipe windows I've tried 2 network cards and disabled the motherboard network adaptor card still no good, I've disabled windows firewall nothing works...
At the moment I'm resigned to using the web browser for live view until I sort things out...I'm emailing blue Iris but that could take 30 days...
I could put the camera's back on the main network but its a lot of bandwidth with two 1080's two 720's and I'm was about to add a Hikvision 4mp cam that does 2688 × 1520...
I think it could be a route table issue but I'm still checking this out...
The weird thing is I've been running this dual lan for over 12 month now I fails instantly on a fresh install the only difference is it was on windows 7 till November then I updated to 10....
I'm also thinking of checking other camera software out like xprotect but cant see a trial one anymore...


Oct 12, 2015
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It apears to be either a problem with using netplwiz and setting auto logon or Bitdefender after doing a new windows 10 boot usb with the latest updates and founders update I didnt reinstall bitdefender as i wanted to try windows antivirus cos the pc is a remote pc that only gets used for blue iris so i thought low lisk, or set auto the logon and blus iris worked normally.
So found the answer by mistake still dont know why its been working for so long this way and now it doesn't but its been fine for 3 days now.
I tried xconnect and eyespy but BlueIris is just way better...


Jul 8, 2017
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I had the same problem with BI not showing a live view when it was run as a service. It had also become very sluggish and was consistently hitting 100% CPU usage.

I had BitDefender running on my Blue Iris system, so I followed sparelee's lead and uninstalled it and without any adjustments to Blue Iris I could then see the live view. I guess I'll stick with Windows Defender on Win10 Pro, since it recently got a major upgrade to deal with ransomware and other threats. The system isn't used for web browsing or email, so that's probably good enough in either case.

Now that I've rebooted, the system shows CPU usage down in the 60%-70% range with 7 1080p webcams feeding.


Oct 12, 2015
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I'm glad im not the only one to experience this problem with Bitdefender and glad this post helped some one....and yes if your using a pc solely for blue iris windows defender is more than adequate...


Young grasshopper
Dec 31, 2015
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Same issue with no live feed if running as a service and bitdefender installed.
Which Anti Virus do you run, that's not causing issues?


Oct 12, 2015
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Yeah I'm using windows defender cos even though Bitdefender free is very light weight and has good detection there is very little user configuration so you cant have an exclusion list and its overkill for a IP cam server doing one job...


Sep 24, 2018
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I had a very similar issue and ended up on this old thread. I figured I'd add my 2-cents to the conversation on what worked for me, in case someone else stumbles upon this thread (like I did).

The only difference with my issues was that everything worked great (for around a year). Then one day the "Live View" in my remote machines web view quit showing the streams.

To make a long story short, it was BitDefender on my remote machine (which was trying to view the web view). To fix it, I had to add the URL for the web view as an exception:
  • On BitDefenders dashboard (as of end of Sept. 2018)
    • Select "Protection" from the left navigation pane
    • Select "Exceptions" under the "Online Threat Prevention" card
    • In the pop-up add you web view's URL (ex.
It really frustrates me why anti-virus/anti-malware software chooses to block local sites at their arbitrary discretion without any prompt/warning or in their own logs. They all do it, not just BitDefender, but I'll save that rant for another day.