Bricked hikvision DS7216 hqhi f2/n

Nekako sam uspio dobiti vezu s putty.
Pokušavam ubaciti firmware, ne uspijevam.
Probao dvr u router, dvr direkt u pc - nikako.
Downloada, ali T T T T T
i ništa.
Nisam siguran koje su ip adrese ispravne device/server.
U tftpd pod server interfaces stoji

Somehow I managed to get a connection with putty.
I'm trying to flash the firmware, but I can't.
Tried dvr in router, dvr directly in pc - nothing.
Download but T T T T T
and nothing. Now just try direct connection pc-dvr.
I am not sure what the correct device/server ip addresses are. I try all
In the server interfaces under tftpd it says


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Ono što možeš probat

kad te traži update y/n unesi "b" pa enter nakon toga




Ako to ne pomogne, u većini slučajeva je mrežna krepala. Flashao sam ih barem 200 komada u recimo 10% je mreža bila i možeš se jebat
Na dvr-u. Jesi direktno spojio pc na dvr idi ideš preko switcha?

Vjerojatno se može podesiti link ali za to treba ući u debug mode i password samo hik može generirati :/

When prompted to update (y/n): Type b and enter, you will gain access to busybox HIKVS# then type following:

setenv ipaddr
setenv serverip

I have spent 3 days reading the threads in this forum trying to fix a faulty FW image upload to my DS-16HQHI-F2-N DVR

MY DVR was stuck in a boot loop and I followed this thread to stop the boot loop

1 X I ordered a "PL2303HX" USB To UART TTL Cable Module 4p 4 Pin RS232 Converter Serial Adapter (Works fine with my Windows 11)
2 X I ordered a "JST ZH 1.5 4 PIN 10cm cable

the very last PUTTY command I changed to this to get the FW uploadet to the DVR

The only change I did to the tutorila above was to type the following to Pytty at DVR start

I press control+U in putty to stop the boot loop

When prompted to update (y/n):

Type b and press enter.

Now Putty screen display HIKVS#.

Then type the following to send the firmware from the PC to the DVR:

setenv ipaddr
setenv serverip

This worked and the DVR is working again

This is the Firmware I used
I tried it on another laptop, and followed the same procedure as you explain, And it worked 1st time, so now have a working DVR.
Many thanks for you help.
hello sir, I have the same problem with the DVR series DS-7216HQH1-F2/N, I entered the wrong firmware type, so the condition now restarts continuously, can I ask for your WhatsApp contact to discuss
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