Brillcam POE dropping

Are you using the substreams and using direct to disc and all the other items in the wiki....follow every one of these to bring CPU usage down. Trying to overthink another setting in BI to reduce CPU is in almost every instance an opposite effect!

Well, I have selected the second "profile" set up for each camera.....didnt see much CPU use drop in the brillcam cams.....but as soon as I saved the new setting for the DLINK...CPU dropped way lower - holding at 10-20% and ram is around 218 mb whjere it was almost 900 mb before. Wonder what I broke? LOL

Not sure what "profile 1" in each case means....or where I would set up the parameters for the profile quite yet....

But it seems to have helped, especially with the DLINK

Every camera calls the substream something other than substream LOL. So for this particular camera, profile1 is the substream.

Now look at the camera status screen and see if every camera is pulling the substream. You may have to turn the substream on in a particular camera.
I have 4 cams,that use these settings, (8 FPS),total cpu usage is about 25 %
So you are actually re-encoding as the feed comes there a benefit to doing that versus using the BI dvr direct record setting?
is there a benefit to doing that versus using the BI dvr direct record setting?
Yes!,i can play the files with Windows 10 default video player,and dont need the BI player,the Windows player automaticly playes the next video in the folder,the BI player doesnt,anyway the default player is the smoothest experience for playing muliple files.

It is best to use direct to disc recording for optimal CPU usage and playback purposes.
Not for me,i dont use disk,and recording with the BI codec or using the settings i use now (realtime re-encoding) gives exactly the same cpu usage (about 30-35%).

Here is my setup :


@JohnB - If it works for your use case, then go with it....but from the help file and recommended optimization it is not recommended.

By not using BVR, if someone gets an alert and wants to view the video of the incident that just happened, they cannot do so unless they stop recording. Further, if you wanted to watch playback of all your cameras at the same time to see what was happening (say a person walked from your front yard, to your side yard and to your backyard), you can only do so with the BVR format.

Those two reasons alone are enough to want to run BVR. I have many times played back an event that happened 30 seconds prior from an alert and playback all my cameras on the screen at the same time to see what was happening.

Plus I do not know what computer you are running on, but 4 cams at 8 FPS at 25-35% CPU is poor and tells me that you either are using a laptop or old computer or have not configured Blue Iris for optimization. A member here has 50 cameras going on an 4790 processor at sub 30% CPU...

From the help file:

It’s recommended that you retain the default, yet proprietary, BVR file format. There are a
great many software features which rely on this simple flat-file format. It’s the only one
offered that may be played at the same time that it’s also open for active writing for
example. It’s the only one that may be used for multiple-camera timeline playback. It also
offers the best overall experience with remote viewing. Select another format only if
absolutely required by a particular use-case. You can always use the Trim/Convert/Export
tool from the clip viewer to save it into another “export format” later on if you need to share
the video.
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I run 4 cams 1920x1080 6Mbs,i doubt a 4790 runs 50 cams on these settings.
If you read my post you will see my setup,more recent than a 4790,and energyfriendly.

It’s recommended that you retain the default, yet proprietary, BVR file format. There are a
great many software features which rely on this simple flat-file format. It’s the only one
offered that may be played at the same time that it’s also open for active writing for
example. It’s the only one that may be used for multiple-camera timeline playback. It also
offers the best overall experience with remote viewing. Select another format only if
absolutely required by a particular use-case. You can always use the Trim/Convert/Export
tool from the clip viewer to save it into another “export format” later on if you need to share
the video.

Yeah,if you dont have modern hardware,stick with that.
@JohnB - so you can watch a video while it is recording? Can you watch playback of all your cameras at once?

Yeah, I am not opening a file attachment so I do not know what you have, but regardless, if you have a modern hardware as you say, then you obviously are not using all of the optimizations as running 4 cams at 30% is pathetic...

I have a lot more cameras than 4 and higher resolutions and FPS than you are running and I am running 10% CPU....

But carry on since you like your setup...
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Yeah, I am not opening a file attachment so I do not know what you have, but regardless, if you have a modern hardware as you say, then you obviously are not using all of the optimizations as running 4 cams at 30% is pathetic...
yeah,its a heavy birden,but i'll have to live with it..
So after my hard drive crash a couple days ago I am reconfiguring everything.

Had forgotten about sub streams so I did that this morning....and that brings up the "profile" thing again, where I left off above.

Hope its cool to continue this thread for this question?

I am still having a time with my brain understanding all the profil stuff so have everything running on "active"......

Two cameras offer up "0" for the main stream and "1" for the sub except the dlink which offers "1" as the main, so I selected "2" as the sub....

Is the "profile" selected in the ip camera config panel, where you select the profile for sub streams, the same as the 0,1,2,3 etc "profiles" in BI?

Or unrelated?
Yep, most cameras follow the 0 and 1 for main and sub, but some do it differently.

There is a global profile and then you can also do it for individual cameras and overrride the global profile.