This is one of the few times I’ll leave my thoughts in a political thread. As I come here to learn and share information as it relates to security and technology as a whole.
I’ll preface by stating I’m considered a conservative member of society. I believe in freedoms that everyone fought so very hard for in past and present wars.
I believe in small government that works towards making our nation better. So everyone can enjoy those rights and freedoms millions died for.
That everyone can grow, prosper, and raise a family.
The problem I see is every country has simply lost their way and allowed people with bad intentions to change that country.
Despite how I feel about the other countries that offer no rights & freedoms. Their strong grip to stop what we in North America call freedoms does work!
If you come to a country where a woman must wear some kind of crazy head to toe covering. Do you see any new comers / immigrants trying to fuck with them???
No . . .
Because they will either cut off your hands & feet, head, to just stoning you to death! You want to follow anything other than Islam guess what you’re SOL!
North America has simply allowed these people to use our laws and position of power to mold the new laws to fit them!
Why would people at large think or wonder how come there are people allowed to wear masks in schools, government buildings, to taking the oath?!?
How the world came to be fighting over what a male / female is?!? How the fuck can you literally have a passport, license, name any legal documents indicating none binary / X???
The fact the gays & lesbians have fought for whatever rights for 50 years and only recently moved the ball forward depending upon where you live in the world.
To see dudes being allowed to pretend to be female and compete in all manner of sports or female only things???
Even worse you have people and government making laws to say a child knows better about their body and can get a sex change?!?
All of the above not angers the average man / woman. But, adds fuel to the extreme right that want to turn everything upside down to the NAZI / Dictatorship!
If there has ever been a time for the Great Reset, this is the time.
Stop all immigration from the world. Deport the whole lot of people who are pushing some kind of agenda.
Any of the people who have been proven in court and judged by 12 as a raper, murder, child molester - Drop their ass over the Atlantic Ocean at 50K feet!
This whole inclusion and acceptance of everything must be limited.
Rock On - I’m Out . . .