Building a new house and Electrician is installing Paradox


Young grasshopper
Mar 30, 2020
New York
Hi All,

We are building a new house and the electrician / builder in installing a hard wired Paradox System. Having never heard of them, I went to their website and it is terrible, it looks like something from the 60's when compared to the sleek new systems like Simpli Safe and Google Secure.

Has anyone had experience with them? Are they any good?

Can't comment on Paradox, but you want a wired system over a wireless one. Wireless alarm systems can be jammed. How common that attack vector is I don't know, but its something you don't have to think about with a wired system. Wired systems also have door and window sensors that can be installed inside the frames making them invisible and with no batteries to replace. And while I do agree with you that wired systems are lagging in appearance and ease of use when compared to the likes of the popular wireless systems - especially when you compare them dollar for dollar - I don't think they are better. Newer wired systems are available with multicolor touch sensitive LCD control panels, RFID arm/disarm, etc - usually as $$$ ad-ons. Also take a look at DSC and Honeywell commercial grade systems. Unlike Simpli Safe these systems are not DIY friendly, but installers can be found if you are interested.
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Normally I'd disagree. However as it's a new house, it doesn't matter as there's no issue getting the wiring in place. Just make sue you get a good system fitted.

As a wider principle for those with unwired houses, the whole idea that wireless systems are useless and jammed is rubbish. For one, you average thief doesn't have or know how to use a jammer so unless you live in a very nice property with high value assets, it's unlikely anyone will even try. If you are Lady Gaga or Shac O'Neil, and are lucky enough to have the latter property, then the better wireless alarms have jamming detection built in and alarm if a jamming attempt is made. Having said that, if you're one of the latter people, you're probably not going to worry about the cost of wiring the house and having the decor restored anyway.
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A wireless system can be very simply jammed or blocked. A wireless may work for a smash and grab breakin, but if you have anything of real value, that would cause you to be a target wireless is not very good.. The wired alarm systems for 20 years ago are still valid today. I have a honeywell wired alarm system.

The alarms sirens on the alarm system are very important, I have three alarm sirens all over 120db, one inside, one in the front of the house, one in the back of the house. It is best if the inside alarm is so loud that you can not stay in the house. My siren is mounter on top of the kitchen cabinets, not in the AC/Heating vent. A little over kill but I have a flashing red light in the front soffit .

The alarm system needs door sensors, window open sensors, break glass sensors. If you do not have pets then inside motion detectors. I also have alarms on inside closet doors. For example, the closet with the gun safe, the closet with the jeweler floor safe. Note the floor safe is in the slab of the house.

The alarm system must be monitored.

I have had one breakin, they kicked in the front door. They did not get but a few feet into the house before running away, they did not get the Christmas presents under the tree, 10 feet from the front door. did not have cameras at the time.

If building a new house steel frames on the doors, kick proof doors.
I have had a wireless system in my house for 10 years, NO Issues.

The same here. My wireless system scans for jamming attempts and if the signal between the sensors and panel, or bell are jammed, alarms. It can do this because the alarm is independent of the panel and has circuitry built in to detect loss of panel signal. Same with the panel which detects loss of signal from the sensors. If using remote setting it uses both a rolling and hopping code system.

The panel alarm inside is so loud it's painful in an enclosed space . The outside alarm is at the UK legal limit for decibels and has a blue strobe. Once triggered the alarm will continue even if the panel is physically destroyed. I guess the answer is if buying wireless, make sure you get a good system and not one of these flashy systems designed to appeal more to the eye than proptect the premises. The one I have is a full professional grade system designed for professional installation although I self installed.
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Hi All,

We are building a new house and the electrician / builder in installing a hard wired Paradox System. Having never heard of them, I went to their website and it is terrible, it looks like something from the 60's when compared to the sleek new systems like Simpli Safe and Google Secure.

Has anyone had experience with them? Are they any good?

I have been in the security Business for over 30 years and strongly recommend a hardwired system. I do install some wireless systems. i prefer Napco and DSC products. Everyone always talks about someone hacking into wireless systems. sure it can be done but it happens in movies more than in real life. Hardwired can also be hacked. Most hardwired systems use cellular communicators to send signals to the central station. That signal could be blocked also. I think most burglars would just move on to the next home without a security system.
Not sure on paradox systems. But if the house is being hardwired ask the installer to use a different system of your choice.
Look into some of the napco products. all of there systems can use wireless devices.
DSC makes some rock solid equipment but I believe they are a few steps behind Napco.
And for the love of God please stay away from Simpli Safe and google! Those systems are designed for the Happy Homeowner to install. Just a really bad system. The systems they sell may look really cute but thats about all they really offer
Having wired sensors has many advantages, even just running the sensors to central panel can be useful later.

I was happy my house has wired door a d window sensors built into the frames. They are invisible when closed and difficult to spot when open. Each door or window is on its own “zone”.
Wireless systems are great if you can’t run wires, but you are committing to a lifetime of changing batteries, and sometimes fixing device pairing. Plus they are ALL ugly.

I replaced my vista 20 with Konnected. The next owner may switch to something else. The sensors will last for the life of the Anderson windows and doors.