Building new system ?


Getting the hang of it
Apr 30, 2017
Hi all from Australia :).

Couldn't see general area so posting this here as first timer.....

I'm wanting to build home security system with only inside cameras, least to start with. I have been looking at Hikvision but I'd like to know a few things;

1. Where can I buy DS-2CD2442FWD-IW locally. Even googling can't seem to find anything except overseas.
2. Do IP cameras have noise detection & power loss to trigger recording as opposed to movement.
3. How would you set up system to upload to cloud in the event of A) Power failure & B) Landline Internet failure.
4. How can I set up remote access for a system on a network using a VPN.
5. Are there IP Cameras on the market that don't look like cameras ie disguised.
6. I've read up on NVR vs PC with Blue Iris etc. I'm reluctant to get NVR as that's all it'll do & from what I've read they're not as versatile or function featured? If I get a cheap high-CPU laptop, given that it'll be network attached, what OS can I use other than Windows that'll be safe & versatile/compatible to use. I already have 2 high-end Win7Pro PCs & while I'm considering using one short-term I'd like a more permanent solution. EDIT: could a smartphone be used instead.

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Hi all from Australia :).

2. Do IP cameras have noise detection & power loss to trigger recording as opposed to movement.
3. How would you set up system to upload to cloud in the event of A) Power failure & B) Landline Internet failure.
4. How can I set up remote access for a system on a network using a VPN.
5. Are there IP Cameras on the market that don't look like cameras ie disguise


Welcome xtropodx,

I am also new to the forum and just starting to get into this. I'm happy to share my impressions so far about the issues you've asked

2. & 3. - some cameras have an "alarm line" where you can have an external device trigger an event. For example motion sensor, door open or close sensor,...
suggest looking for "alarm line" in the forum here or something like that.

4. Nayr did a good VPN for new people post, it was pinned to the top of one of the forum sections. Do search for VPN here in the title and see if you can find it.

5. yes - and also you can build one yourself out of the guts of a camera system if you like.
I don't know of any particular models off the top of my head, but do recall seeing some cool stuff on the internet when I was looking for good resources.
Hey thanks for reply :).

Yeah read VPN by Nayr already & think I'll go ahead & make custom PC eventually to run this, using my own PC in the interim.

On a side note: Any idea where would I post login problems? There doesn't seem to be a General discussion. When I go to log in, logging in via Google button doesn't work ie it's not clickable. And I don't have twatter or farcebook.