Andy mentioned that he was going to be shipping out a large pallet this weekend; never mentioned the holiday. I'm not sure what the status of that shipment is as he hasn't updated us on that regard. Hopefully, he is doing well. 
Coming to the topic of this thread, I never bought anything from Aliexpress, but from what I noticed, it sure appears to be a lot better than heading over to Bed Bath & Beyond, lol

Coming to the topic of this thread, I never bought anything from Aliexpress, but from what I noticed, it sure appears to be a lot better than heading over to Bed Bath & Beyond, lol
Be mindful that most Asian countries are in public holiday Mode into Wednesday.
Ching Ming is a 3 day holiday which started on Sunday and finishes Tuesday Night.
Sellers and Couriers will have a back log on Wednesday to get through so expect some days if buying from Ali or via Andy.
Speaking of Andy, triple check on the day he plans to ship out.
He sent me a 4216 rather then the 5216 I ordered/paid for.
Thankfully the 4KS2 models are almost identical apart from the Network I/O.
He is also very low on all stocks and won't be seeing much for the next few weeks until Dahua comes fully back online. (They moved factory locations).
I needed some cameras in a hurry and ended up buying HDW4431EM-AS from him, shall be interesting to see how those go.