Known around here
The added details about the business is useful. Until your shared the detail, most here adopt the perception that it is a place where other technology systems share the respective site network and intellectual property & financial data resides on said system(s). Hence the high priority on ensuring the activity of a camera system replacement isn't going to put the business at risk or compromise the tech equipment that, more often than not, allows the business to function.I'm asking basic questions so I make sure I'm not missing something. As for a business, read what it is. It is a guy that has a shop. He has buildings that has equipment. He has bins. He wants cameras in the shop to see things once in a while. He has cameras on his bins to check them once in awhile. That's it. Nothing really based on security. He just wants to see his stuff. He's in a wheelchair and can't get out to these places very easy. I don't want him to pay outrageous prices when I know I can get it done. That's it. AS for business, well I don't know what to say.