Camera Misses Snowplow

Cor K Dikland

Getting the hang of it
Apr 25, 2019
Ontario, Canada
I have my EmpireTech IPC-T54IR-ZE-S3 for over a month now and can count on one hand missed motions/events. I am just blown away by how it can detect correctly identify a person walking down my dark street and, as far as I can tell, never miss an event. I am aware of only 2 cases (out of hundreds) where it got it wrong. One was where it identified a cat walking down my driveway as an intrusion, the other was this snowplow event it missed entirely. That is pretty darn good and hardly worth mentioning however.... The snowplow missed puzzles me. Below is a clip of the snowplow passing my driveway and crossing 2 tripwires (see image below). Neither tripwire raised an event. The plow came back (not in this video) the other direction and did not trip 2 other tripwires (not shown below) either. I assumed that either the size of the snowplow suggested something other than "Vehicle" or the tripwires were not positioned correctly for a vehicle this big. Anything else I missed????

View attachment Driveway.06-03-14_1.mp4

Off the subject here, but what color are those flashing lights on the snowplow...amber and blue or amber and green?
It is probably a combination of the tripwire not being long enough along with the configuration of the lights and the AI didn't have a comparable image that it was trained on.
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I think the flashing lights mess it up. Seen same on Ambulance/Fire Trucks..

BTW- kick ass image.
Off the subject here, but what color are those flashing lights on the snowplow...amber and blue or amber and green?
I saw your post and my first reaction was, ":rolleyes:Seriously?" Then I saw your location. :)Not exactly snowplow country. Anyhow... In much of Canada (& most likely NE states) a blue flashing light means snowplow. When the plow is clearing it may be the only thing you will see. Apparently the blue light is best for penetrating the low visibility created by a plow when clearing snow. If you ever have the misfortune of getting behind one during a snow storm you will realize that the time to your destination has just doubled :mad:
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I saw your post and my first reaction was, ":rolleyes:Seriously?" Then I saw your location.
I ask because down here blue lights belong only (when enforced) to the cops, usually with white, sometimes with red, sometimes with amber.

Construction, utility service vehicles and wreckers/tow trucks use amber or amber & white.

Ambulances and fire trucks, red & white, sometimes along with amber.

FWIW, studies regarding flashing lights show red is more visible during daylight, blue better at night. :cool:
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Re: @TonyR looks like we use Amber
could it be because there is motion across both tripwires at the same time because the truck is so big?
I thought it might be a towed plow but it sure looks like a Jack knifed water tank on trailer. I've got 20 winters up north and don't recall ever seeing one.
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Yeah that dont look right...
Very cool, never seen one... Thx!
The Hwy 169 Bridge over the Minnesota River is probably 1 to 1.25 mi long or more....they use a brine tank in both the truck and trailer to cover all three lanes in 1 pass.
Never seen that either. Not disappointed about that since it means that I've never lived anywhere cold and snowy enough to need one.
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I'll see if I can snap picture this winter, since my shuttle bus runs 169 several times a nite.