I have my EmpireTech IPC-T54IR-ZE-S3 for over a month now and can count on one hand missed motions/events. I am just blown away by how it can detect correctly identify a person walking down my dark street and, as far as I can tell, never miss an event. I am aware of only 2 cases (out of hundreds) where it got it wrong. One was where it identified a cat walking down my driveway as an intrusion, the other was this snowplow event it missed entirely. That is pretty darn good and hardly worth mentioning however.... The snowplow missed puzzles me. Below is a clip of the snowplow passing my driveway and crossing 2 tripwires (see image below). Neither tripwire raised an event. The plow came back (not in this video) the other direction and did not trip 2 other tripwires (not shown below) either. I assumed that either the size of the snowplow suggested something other than "Vehicle" or the tripwires were not positioned correctly for a vehicle this big. Anything else I missed????
View attachment Driveway.06-03-14_1.mp4
View attachment Driveway.06-03-14_1.mp4