Can anyone ID this vehicle's make and model?

Nov 25, 2016
The following was sent to me by a neighbor one street over. The people in this vehicle stole several packages along his street. I'm going to do a search in OpenALPR, but it would be useful to know the make and model, which I have no eye for. Can someone ID this vehicle?
Screen Shot 2020-12-09 at 7.00.39 PM.png
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From the tail lights and headlight shape I'd guess an older model Lincoln Navigator. Just a guess though, I'm no expert on vehicles.
Its a Ford Freestyle. Probably a 2012
Looking at some Google pictures it definitely looks like a Ford Freestyle. Features match up perfectly. Good spot @coney27

Its 100% a Ford Freestyle. I know my cars lol
Thanks very much for contributing your expertise. Unfortunately it won't help my neighbor, as I've been checking my LPR records and these guys haven't driven by my house so far as I can determine.

This is what happens when you trust your video security to ADT and their crappy cameras. I'm going to encourage my neighbor to upgrade; I know he can afford it.
As it turns out, one of the people the thieves hit was a state legislator. The police have already contacted me about the theft (apparently my cameras have gained a reputation at the local precinct). :)

I've put out an Amazon "bait box" in plain view on my front porch. If these characters decide to drive down my street in the next few days, the police will be visiting them in short order.
As it turns out, one of the people the thieves hit was a state legislator. The police have already contacted me about the theft (apparently my cameras have gained a reputation at the local precinct). :)

I've put out an Amazon "bait box" in plain view on my front porch. If these characters decide to drive down my street in the next few days, the police will be visiting them in short order.
I hope its filled with poop
^^^ And a small explosive with a delayed action motion sensor :rofl:

I hope its filled with poop
Ha! Nothing so dramatic. It contains a couple of dead D-cell batteries and an old rusted shut pair of pliers that I found one day. All I have to do is record them passing my house, and the rest will be history. They don't even have to take the package, but it would be helpful if they did, as I'll get some great images of one of them walking up on my porch.
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Have no fear, I'll definitely post some video if they drive by. There's some speculation that they're following delivery trucks in my neighborhood, so it's just a matter of time.
Time for a bait truck
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