Can chitchat be an anything goes thread?


Young grasshopper
Sep 7, 2016
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Ashton-in-Makerfield UK
If so, what do you Americans think of D Trump? I am in the UK and we have lots to deal with because of our govt stabbing my green and pleasant land in the back and twisting the knife 10 fold!
My question is: Do you think Trump will get that badly de-railed train of USA back on track?
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Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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New York
Yes, Chit-Chat is for anything non-camera / off topic. However, I will stay out of this one ;)


Getting the hang of it
Nov 28, 2015
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Hampshire - South central Uk, right at the bottom
tbh Pete, i am all excited and i have no idea why !!! to me Trump seems bonkers but that is because the US, its people and its staggering geography is such a different land to the Uk

I can understand the rust belt and the lack of work or hope and the fact Trump offers to revitalize these areas and get US manufacturing back but some of the other stuff he says... barking mad
Hilary on the other hand is a complete un known, i have no idea of her policies or objectives, we see a lot of both on the Tv but very little about what they intend to do, which is basically the same as the Uk, lots of smoke blowing

still, its an exciting night :)


Getting the hang of it
Nov 28, 2015
Reaction score
Hampshire - South central Uk, right at the bottom
So when Trump gets handed the Nuke keys in January, will he keep them in a bowl in the kitchen with his other keys ??
might be a god idea to put a whistler on the ring, if he looses them he can whistle for them and they should bleep.. in theory


IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
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Megatroplis, USA
So when Trump gets handed the Nuke keys in January, will he keep them in a bowl in the kitchen with his other keys ??
might be a god idea to put a whistler on the ring, if he looses them he can whistle for them and they should bleep.. in theory
Would you please stop now. This stuff never ends well.

c hris527

Known around here
Oct 12, 2015
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I agree with with Q, Trump handed her a old fashion ass whooping and the American people have spoke, Like it or not its time to move on or for some here in the states, move to Canada, either way lets get on with our lives and talk camera stuff.


Getting the hang of it
Nov 28, 2015
Reaction score
Hampshire - South central Uk, right at the bottom
so its not the talk about anything section then ! and whilst you are moving on the rest of the world is shitting itself and for good reason

Not sure getting the least amount of votes but winning by getting the most electoral college votes is an old fashioned ass whooping but rules is rules and thats how your system works

I think the feeling outside the US is we really hope he turns out to be all that the US wants, we really want the US to be happy and do well but undeniably at this point in time it is a fukin scary thought that a rich bloke with zero political acumen is in charge of the US

Its a shame you guys dont want to talk about Trump, i am actually interested in US citizens thoughts, outside of the US Obama was well thought off, seems inside the US he wasent ?? will Trump really be able to galvanize `everyone`?? be a miracle if he can but a worthy objective

and non of my comments are designed to incite anyone, it is mainly humour and interest, if Mike thinks this thread is not wanted and deletes it or closes it i respect that and will not ask about Trump in any other thread
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Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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so its not the talk about anything section then ! and whilst you are moving on the rest of the world is shitting itself and for good reason

Not sure getting the least amount of votes but winning by getting the most electoral college votes is an old fashioned ass whooping but rules is rules and thats how your system works

I think the feeling outside the US is we really hope he turns out to be all that the US wants, we really want the US to be happy and do well but undeniably at this point in time it is a fukin scary thought that a rich bloke with zero political acumen is in charge of the US

Its a shame you guys dont want to talk about Trump, i am actually interested in US citizens thoughts, outside of the US Obama was well thought off, seems inside the US he wasent ?? will Trump really be able to galvanize `everyone`?? be a miracle if he can but a worthy objective

and non of my comments are designed to incite anyone, it is mainly humour and interest, if Mike thinks this thread is not wanted and deletes it or closes it i respect that and will not ask about Trump in any other thread
The electoral college is the system. You cannot change it AFTER the election. Its a done deal. In fact if you didnt have the eletoral college system its entirely possible that trump would have received the popular vote because red folks in blue states would actually vote. Its also important to note that the difference is about 400k in a total of 120 million votes. 60 million us citizens voted for trump. Did you even read about the level of corruption Hillary was engaged in or did the BBC bury it? The market has spoken as well. The Dow surged like crazy. Why do you think that is? Because when you put politics aside, they KNOW that smart economic policy will WORK.
You as well as the toddler like protesters need to relax. Trump will be a fine president. We need change. Real change. Obama had no politial experience either. He destroyed this countries health care system by ramming obamacare down our throats. 7500 dollar deductibles? Premiums increasing 25-104%?
He divided our country when it came to thugs vs police.
He destroyed any gains we had in the middle east.
The economy is in the toilet despite the fudged unemployment numbers.
We dont want a european style tax the shit out of us socialist system. It has proven disastrous.
Same garbage was said of Reagan who did a fantastic job.
Did you bother reading trumps policy objectives for the first 100 days in office? Doubtful.
Here's President-Elect Trump's Plan for His First 100 Days in Office

Those jobless fools can run in the streets throwing temper tantrums destroying wont help their will solidify what trump voters knew about them all along.
Tell us why "the rest of the world is shitting themselves"? Is it because trump promised to stop funding bullshit UN led global warming initiatives that are simply a shakedown of billions of dollars? Or that he will renegotiate trade deals? Or that he will secure our damn border? or that he will repeal the disaster that is obamacare? or that he will provide parents REAL school choice? Whats the problem?
This hysteria is fabricated by a bunch of leftist loons. RELAX.
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c hris527

Known around here
Oct 12, 2015
Reaction score
(QUOTE)"and whilst you are moving on the rest of the world is shitting itself and for good reason". Once again you are only seeing what the very BIASED media is spoon feeding you. What is the GOOD reason? Like it or not he won fair and square. As a matter of fact I live in New Your State, If you look at our map of what counties here went red for trump, New York Looks like a Red state for trump, I could use your logic and make up some excuse to change how the votes are counted in New York and say well we need to weight the votes on land size now just because a few populated counties went for trump and I thought that was unfair. In New York that is just the way it is and I accept it..Period. When Obama won the last 2 times I accepted it..Period like most people did.
I did not go out and protest, break things and seethe. Fabricated hysteria is Correct.

Trump wins NY county battle but Clinton wins the votes


IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
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Megatroplis, USA
OK, I'm in. IMO you can tell your EuroFriends that us Americans just got fed up with the bullshit; we're sick and tired of career politicians figuring out what we want to hear and then promising us they'll deliver those things to us...promises which were seldom kept. So we chose an outsider who figured out what we wanted to hear and then promised us that he'd deliver those things to us. But seeing Donald Trump's long and well-documented history of being a self-serving ass-weasel, I'm not too optimistic...until he shows us he will deliver on his promises to...
  1. Start burning coal again
  2. Lock up Hillary
  3. Bring back the manufacturing jobs to America
  4. Build the wall and make Mexico pay for it
  5. Enact a temporary ban on Muslims entering the USA
  6. Deport ALL illegal aliens
  7. Repeal NAFTA
  8. Impose a tariff on Chinese and Mexican products
  9. Complete a full repeal of Obamacare and replace it with a market-based alternative
  10. Leave social security alone
  12. And DRAIN THE SWAMP of political insiders within his administration
The new guy always starts strong; I'm more interested in how he finishes. No excuses, no blaming this group, and no blaming that group for failure...just deliver on your fucking promises asshole. Until he makes good on these promises he's just another lying bullshit artist who's going to betray America for his own personal gain. If he keeps his 12 promises then I'll change my tune, but until then he's just another mouth spewing more empty political bullshit promises to We The People.
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c hris527

Known around here
Oct 12, 2015
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LOL Q, Hicky drew u into this conversation too, I think I took the bait and had to pop off my views. I swear I'm done now.


Pulling my weight
Jan 17, 2016
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The Netherlands
It is not better at our side of the world either..
I live in The Netherlands, our prime minister said before last elections:
- no more money to Greece (billions went there after this statement)
- everyone gets 1000€ back as economy is climbing up (not received a single € of that yet)

Further we have in the EU countrys that want to Join. So we got an referendum system, and 61 % voted against ukrain joining. They bend in all kind of shapes not to tell the EU that we will not sign this (everyone of the members seem to need to agree on a country joining)

So politicians everywhere not speak the truth.

We have one politican who is really happy with Trump as president elect, i assume he hopes for the same effect here. Same kind of ideas: close muslim schools, kick out every law offender with dual nationality and take away their Dutch nationality. Lower tax, put more hands in the medical support system, leave the EU etc.

Not clear how he wants to fund all of that.


Getting the hang of it
Nov 28, 2015
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Hampshire - South central Uk, right at the bottom
which is always the issue with any good idea, funding, the Americans here will point out that Mr T wants to add tariffs to imports and remove funding to off shore concerns but will it be enough, any government that takes power has the same amount of beans as the last, no matter which and how they juggle its basically the same amount of beans, the upshot is some US citizens will be helped and some will be crippled, its the same the world over in this century at least


Pulling my weight
Jan 17, 2016
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Hmm we have import tax on almost everything. But government is short of funds here also.
Large companys do not pay tax here, or at least not a lot. Better to take it away from the working class of people with income tax. We have system which has divverent levels based on income. 35% up to xxx amount, than 42% up to yyyy and 52% above that.

We have large amount of financial rules to get some extra to compensate for something.

Political system is complex, like 20 partys and you need like 3 or 4 to have > 50%
Iy used to be only 2 partys that could do it but they shrunk and smaller ones grew.

Sonwe have left, right and center partys. And it always ands up in the middle and than bit left or bit right.
Left is for more government and money to the less fortunate.
Right is more for open markets and less fair split of wealth (as seen for the left side)