Known around here
Thanks for posting those! That 12V connector is going to come in handy. Being known as Mr. Overkill I'll probably put a 40mm in that spot on intake and an 80mm on the top for exhaust. I'll probably add additional holes to the bottom or back to get more air in. Some foam filter, cut to size, will keep the dust build-up down to a minimum. In may not be "pretty, but it'll work.
In the one shot I see a fairly hefty heat sink and assume that's the main power regulator/supply. Where is that in relation to the OEM fan cut out?
Never mind! Went back and looked at the first photo and it's directly in front of that cut out. Actually, just a 40mm on intake a a few vent holes on top should do the trick.
In the one shot I see a fairly hefty heat sink and assume that's the main power regulator/supply. Where is that in relation to the OEM fan cut out?
Never mind! Went back and looked at the first photo and it's directly in front of that cut out. Actually, just a 40mm on intake a a few vent holes on top should do the trick.