Can not get any port to open on my eero router


Getting the hang of it
Oct 18, 2015
So yesterday I have just gone from 30 Mbps and a static IP to a dynamic IP and 1000 Mbps fibre which is now installed. This new isp does not do statics to residential customers, the router is an eero pro and my problem is whenever I go to open a port for example 81 for blue iris it's telling me it's not open. Tested this and it is not as I can not connect through 4g or port checker is telling me its closed after I have opened it.

Here is some info what my router is saying.

From the web my public IP address

Ip Externally in my router app its

Router IP is

Setup is a (fibre box where the optical goes into > router > unmanaged switch)
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Maybe you have a router like mine where manually opening up ports just doesn’t work? I logged a call with my cable provider who basically closed the request stating that I can use uPNP to do this.

So I had no option but to enable UPNP but what I now do is have a scheduled job that runs which clears out any open ports except the ones that have/want set.
Personally, ignoring the fact that you can’t get it working I would try and set rules for port 80 as it’s used for general surfing.
can you set the ISP router to bypass/ pass-though/ bridge mode. Then get your own router.
Does your external ip address remain unchanged for a period of time or does it change every few minutes.
Also what country are you in? Germany ???
Been talking to my provider it's a very new company like literally laid the wire the other day so they need to sort some things on their side.
No I am UK I can set the router to bridge yes I will wait to see if they fix it next week.
I would suggest you use your own router and place their router in bridge mode. BUT have a UK member that understands the UK telecom system provide some guidance.
I didn’t know that 1000mps was available in the UK?

Just checked and Virgin now offers 1gb, I’m with Virgin on 100mps and it’s their router that I have problems setting a manual port forwarding rule on, just doesn’t seem to work or didn’t when I last tried it.
I didn’t know that 1000mps was available in the UK?

Just checked and Virgin now offers 1gb, I’m with Virgin on 100mps and it’s their router that I have problems setting a manual port forwarding rule on, just doesn’t seem to work or didn’t when I last tried it.

It's a new company called youfibre. I get around 900 not to shabby.
Edit: Sorry.. read past your post saying that you'd contacted them. I'll leave it anyway.

Don't have one but looks pretty straightforward to open the port itself. I'm assuming that you've seen this but just in case:

If the port is open on the router and you still can't get to it, your ISP may not be passing incoming traffic to some ports. The cable company here used to block incoming 80/81/8080, ftp, etc., to prevent people from running servers on their service. Maybe try a more random higher port number?

Or they may be doing some sort of NAT on their side which doesn't let the incoming traffic get through. i.e., they'd have to effectively do what is a port forward for that traffic on their side through to you.

Can you ping your external IP address?

Wouldn't leave like that but might try putting it wide open in a DMZ for a quick test and see if you can get to it at all.
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If you don’t set the ISP router in bridge mode you can try forwarding the port(s) on both the ISP router and in Eero. Originally I had to do this to open ports for Xbox Live. What I ended up doing with my Google Fiber was turning wifi off setting it to a subnet like then running cable out to in on Eero node and set it up on This eliminated have to either set Eero to bridge mode or running double NAT.
So facing the same issue and wondering whether you resolved it. My understanding is that the issue is with the ISP router. As far as I know I don't have a login for that. So the Eero correctly port forwards and I can listen on an internal device and point at the eero on that port successfully, however, the external router (physically internal as in it is in the house router I don't seem to be able to access). I'm just wondering whether you got there in the end?
My issue was the ISP themselves had to phone them it was fairly new company at the time.