We have a security system for our front gate in the community, it is about 1 year old now and it has been working fine. It has a dedicated ip address and is on a NVR302-16Q platform with 16 BNC cameras attached at various lengths along the front entrance. We have used Internet Explorer and the product EF-Browser from the vendor up until a week ago. At that point the system was not accessed for over a month at least by our security person. Access is done remotely to the dedicated IP address with the EF-Browser or Internet explorer. Now we are getting these 2 error messages after we log into the system remotely via IE or the EF tool. The error I think is a plugin issue that we had last year but was resolved and now it seems to have raised its ugly head again maybe but with another factor. I can get into the system from the admin panel but when I try to click ANY active camera it shows Failed to start Live view. And when trying to perform a playback on any camera it shows an error of Operation Failed.