OK so I only had time today to take one of the cameras down but when I did, I found the problem instantly. The wiring at the camera end was back to front, i.e. he had attempted to follow T-568B but had wired it in reverse order!! What an absolute tool! To make matters worse, despite my repeated reminders he had left very little cable in the wall mount so I didn't have much to work with. And to add the cherry on top, even after I managed to crimp another connector on correctly, I couldn't connect to the camera. After much checking I took the camera off again to find that somehow, one of the brass piercings on the connector was missing - it must have got damaged and broken during
crimping or testing. That meant a second new connector and even less cable to work with but I managed it and the good news is the perseverance paid off and I finally have the camera up and running.
I'm expecting back to front wiring at the other camera too but will check tomorrow hopefully and report back.
I will make sure I never use that electrician again...