Can't delete reserved account password


Getting the hang of it
Jun 29, 2015
I am a newbie to security cameras and NVRs in general. From some reading I have done, the problem of deleting reserved accounts on cameras and NVRs is not new. However, I believe that I am doing everything right, but I still cannot change the password of the reserved accounts. I just received a new Dahua NVR4208. I logged into the admin account and created a new account with administration privileges. I then logged back in with the new account. However, no matter what I try, I cannot change the passwords on any of the reserved accounts.

An additional problem I a having is adding the one Dahua IPS-HFW4300S camera. I get a message that says that the camera is locked. Any suggestions are appreciated.

use VPN to get into your network and access your cameras remotely instead of forwarding remote ports and it wont matter..
with respect to the locked camera, if you enter the wrong password several times you will be locked out for about 30 min...make sure no device with the wrong password is trying to login.
Thank you nayr for your reply. With all due respect, what I am trying to do is get this damn NVR to work.
And thank you fenderman. I have done the waiting game to make sure I was not locked out due to incorrect passwords. With this Dahua NVR,you can choose "Manual Mode" to enter cameras. For this camera, I made the following changes: Mode: DHCP (I configured my router to assign the same ip address based on the cameras MAC address), TCP port: I changed it to the port that I am forwarding on my asus router. RSTP port: I forwarded this external port to the same internal port (554). So, anyway, I can see my camera on a public LAN. I just cant get this stupid Dahua NVR to see it.

I currently am using Logitech cameras for my home security solution, but they have discounted this line of products, and their support. So...I am experimenting with the Dahua line of products. I would like to have a total of 8 cameras recorded by motion detect, and have the recorded video accessible on the WEB. So, I have a Dahua IPC-HFW430S camera and a Dahua NVR4208 NVR. I know lots of people are having problems with the Dahua because of the poor support for wholesale buyers like me.

If I can get this system working to my satisfaction, I will provide a really good post to this forum on all the necessary setting for both the Dahua camera and NVR

@3dogpottery Does the camera work when the ports are set to default? If so, you can leave them at default and:
1) use a different external port and forward it to the default internal - this will accomplish the same thing as changing the port on the camera. Most routers support this.
2) simply forward the NVR only. This is the best method anyway, rather than forwarding the individual cameras.
Thanks fenderman for your suggestions. I will try your suggestions regarding using default ports on the camera and forwarding external ports. Your second suggestion is actually what I would prefer however I cannot forward the NVR if I cant change the default passwords. I am very sure that I never entered the wrong passwords when gaining access with the defaults. After all, the admin password is simply "admin". But, just to be sure, I waited several hours, and tried again. This stupid Dahua NVR just won't let me change any of the default passwords. It comes with two default user groups, and four users: "888888", "666666", "admin"", and user". I can't believe that this I a software problem. It must be something that I am doing wrong. In any event, I feel like using it for target practice.
It seems that the Dahua NVR will only let you change one password at a time, but I believe I finally succeeded. After you change one users password, you have to wait awhile and log back in to change another default users password. It's beyond me why this works, but that is what I did. Thanks fenderan for your help. I was finally able to add my Dahua IP camera to the NVR! Since the camera has a unique username, password and port, I had to choose "manual add" to add the camera. I did try that yesterday, but I accidentally entered the wrong IP address. I only corrected the last octet in the default IP address and failed to see that the second to last octet from the default "0" to the number "1".

From my online search, I found that many people are having trouble getting email alerts from their Dahua IP camera. Some wrote that they had to use gmail for their SMTP server. I use Charter internet, and have my Microsoft Outlook SMTP set to But I found that this doesn't work for the Dahua camera. However, I found that the following settings work:

SMTP Server:
Port: 587
Username: yournamehere.charter.nt
Password: your_password
Authentiication: SSL
Title: Any thing you want, e.g., Back Yard Security Camera
Mail Receiver: Same address as Sender, or some other email address.
Just make sure that you click on the "+" to add the email
address to the list.

Anyway, I hope some of this helps anyone struggling with these frustrating Dahua products.
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I have since returned the Dahua NVR. I just couldn't get it to record anything. Hopefully, this was not due to my ignorance, but that is a possibility. In my defense, the documentation is next to useless. The only reason I chose a Dahua NVR is that I figured that it would work really well with Dahua cameras. Silly me. So now I am considering Blue Iris...