I want my camera feeds coming into Blue Iris to always have the correct time and self adjust for DST.
Right now, I have to log in to each camera from my camserver 2x per year and click "PC Sync" to fix the time on each.
There is an option to sync to NTP server with the default being clock.isc.org, but these cameras do not have access to the internet so they can't reach out to that time server.
I have set up a local time server on my BI machine running NetTime, which works except after syncing the time on the camera is still -1 hour from the correct time! The NetTime windows service I have running shows the correct time but when the camera pings it for time the camera ends up -1 hour from it!
I'm at a loss here for something I think should be simple. How can I just have my Amcrest cams always show the correct time?
Right now, I have to log in to each camera from my camserver 2x per year and click "PC Sync" to fix the time on each.
There is an option to sync to NTP server with the default being clock.isc.org, but these cameras do not have access to the internet so they can't reach out to that time server.
I have set up a local time server on my BI machine running NetTime, which works except after syncing the time on the camera is still -1 hour from the correct time! The NetTime windows service I have running shows the correct time but when the camera pings it for time the camera ends up -1 hour from it!
I'm at a loss here for something I think should be simple. How can I just have my Amcrest cams always show the correct time?