You need to port forward the media port (default 8000)So im using iVMS-4500 android, I can see the stream fine on WiFi same network but when I turn on mobile network it doesn't connect. Any help?
There are a bunch of thread that discuss this..also see you walk me through this
There are a bunch of thread that discuss this..also see
it is unnecessary to change the ports on the camera --some experience lockup issues when doing so...most routers support distinct external port that can be router to the default internal ports. For hikvision and ivms4500, only the media port needs to be forwarded.log into your cameras and change the default ports used for http, RTSP and server.
http is set to 80 change it to something else that isn't being used.
do the same for RTSP and Server (8000)
then log into your router and go to port forwarding.
Enter the IP of the camera (make sure its a static IP), and put the port you changed them to in the port forward config.
does this for every camera you have.
Then it should work ok.
You need to look for your router, not ivms.I went to the link, but the iVMS isnt listed on the programs .
it is unnecessary to change the ports on the camera --some experience lockup issues when doing so...most routers support distinct external port that can be router to the default internal ports. For hikvision and ivms4500, only the media port needs to be forwarded.
What router are you using? the ports are specific to an ip address, so it should not be giving you that error.tried keeping them on the default internal port and then specifying an external port the was unique in the port forward table.
Router wouldn't let me do it as it kept telling me the port was already in use e.g.:
CAM1 IP -> internal port 8000 to external port 8945
works for one camera but once i tried to do it with the next e.g.: CAM2 IP -> internal port 8000 to external port 8946 the error would come up as port 8000 was already forwarded. So i ended up changing all the default ports and thats when it finally worked.
tried multiple combinations of just the server port or just the RTSP port but it would not work until i changed port 80 and forwarded it too.
hmm that is an aside, its not a good idea to port forward the http port and rtsp port unless you have a specific reasons. ivms 4500 only needs the media is my port forward list.
I modified cam 7 to your suggestion. Changed internal ports to default and changed external.
Then i tried to do the same to Cam1 but it will not let me set the internal ports to 80, 554 or 8000 in the router port forward list as they are always in use now.
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