Oh, I'd love them to bring a crowbar, knife, etc. to a gun fight.Whilst the cutting is going on they have lookouts brandishing metal rods/crowbars to warn off anybody who might intervene.
Yes, brother....see aboveThat's good that they have weapons. Here that would justify deadly force.
I lived in Silicon Valley '74 to '04. While there Pacific Bell (or whatever the name-of-the-month is these days) and PG&E lobbied state to pass laws wherein the scrap yards got photo ID and license plate number of vehicle bringing in ANY scrap wire, aluminum, copper, etc. Failure to do so could result in criminal charges being filed on the scrapyard manager/owner. It helped a lot...dry up the demand or market and the scrap thieves move on to something else. Legislators need to put ALL precious metals (like platinum) into that category of requirements and mandated procedures by the scrapyards.My long-term fix is to move to a state that isn't imploding.
But then again, you can pass all the laws you want but it has little bite when the judges let 'em go without so much as a reprimand. A law is only as effective as its enforcement and prosecution. I feel bad for the cops that bust their butts and put themselves into danger hauling them in only to see these humps out on the street the next day or sooner.
I detest thieves.

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