pretty much, cant grab a gun and go arrest someone without opening your self to a metric buttload of liability.. im not willing to take on for a simple car prowler.. self defence in the face of grave danger only, nobody was in any danger so the situation does not permit civilians to pull out weapons. Security Guards cant really pull out a sidearm for just an arrest like this either and they have open carry licenses.
now if they come into my house, the liability is much less.. but you can still pretty much expect to be arrested first and everything straightened out later.
if any normal person did that they are likely to be hauled off and some assault charges considered by the local DA, depending on where you are.. Real life is rarely like the movies, owning and operating a gun is serious shit and not as free and willy nilly as many people think.. if you ever point one at anyone, expect to spend a few nights in the clink and a few thousand dollars burned while they make sure it was legit.
this guy was a cop, he's permitted to go in guns drawn anywhere, any time, without really any problem.. and that's the only way to get these prowlers, who just disappear into the dark once they sense danger.