caught in the act

One of the biggest problems with gun control laws is that for them to really work, the criminals would need to abide by the gun control laws.

Anyone else see the problem with this premise?
just to make you feel good about your self.. Colorado banned high capacity magazines, but the 50 or so 25 round Ak47 mags I already owned before the ban are still legal.. I just cant buy any more, but im sure if anyone wants some high cap mags the'll just go to Utah/Wyoming/Kansas/Arizona, buy one.. burn the receipts and claim they had it before the ban and it was grandfathered.

Ive got a gun control program that both the R's and D's and hell even the NRA's can get behind.. its simple, $3k per household gun safe rebate program.. if GWB can 'stimulate' the economy with universal tax rebates, why cant we 'stimulate' the gunsafe ownership by offering to buy every american a high quality, high security, american made, gun safe.

Dont own Guns? You still get a safe, just incase you want to own a gun in the future, but if not keep your drugs and valuables locked up in em.. I think home burglaries will go down if suddenly everyone in america has there valuables locked in a decent safe... I honestly believe this will make an actual difference, thats measurable.. without taking anyone's rights away.

Ive always owned guns, Ive got one that cost me less than $100.. when my Wife got prego I decided it was time to lock them up, and was shocked that I could not get anything with any real security on it for less than a grand.. who's going to buy a $300 handgun for home protection and then invest in a $1k safe to lock it in, nobody but the rich thats who... Ive got 2 safes, both of them merely secure my guns from my child.. but anyone determined could get into either, because I could not afford one safe with real security, let alone 2.
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Most of those numbers for the US are from suicide.

Who the fuq commits suicide by firearm? What if you shoot yourself, miss and blow your entire lower jaw away. Then, not only are you depressed, but you're NEVER going to get laid again. Stupidest fuqin' thing I ever heard of.
pretty much, cant grab a gun and go arrest someone without opening your self to a metric buttload of liability.. im not willing to take on for a simple car prowler.. self defence in the face of grave danger only, nobody was in any danger so the situation does not permit civilians to pull out weapons. Security Guards cant really pull out a sidearm for just an arrest like this either and they have open carry licenses.

now if they come into my house, the liability is much less.. but you can still pretty much expect to be arrested first and everything straightened out later.

if any normal person did that they are likely to be hauled off and some assault charges considered by the local DA, depending on where you are.. Real life is rarely like the movies, owning and operating a gun is serious shit and not as free and willy nilly as many people think.. if you ever point one at anyone, expect to spend a few nights in the clink and a few thousand dollars burned while they make sure it was legit.

this guy was a cop, he's permitted to go in guns drawn anywhere, any time, without really any problem.. and that's the only way to get these prowlers, who just disappear into the dark once they sense danger.

Not sure about in CO but in Il security guards can pull in situations like this the questions arise when shots are fired then you're in a whole new area of legality. pulling and not using police won't bat an eye here but the company or client on the other hand they man discipline administratively for it.

The work around to all of the above is see below

Cant pull a gun then use the non lethal way no law about the dog detaining a criminal HEHE
Tennesse 61.jpg
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Thanks w1zofaz, This occurred in your back yard, Jackson, MS. The subject was out on bail from his third burglary charge, this was his forth. I believe he is still in jail there.
I hope so bababouy. It is getting to where criminals do not fear commiting crimes because even if they are caught chances are you get a slap on the wrist or fined. Justice dept loves money and if all baddies are kept in jail well then, there is no one to collect fines from. :P
Different environment here in Australia. Twenty years ago we had the Port Arthur massacre and following that all the states and territories got together to pass uniform national gun laws. We actually have more guns now than we did then, but less gun crime, and less crime generally. It has also been 20 years since our last massacre. You can't own a firearm for self defence. Only cops and security guards have them for that reason here.

Can I ask were in Australia your from? Down my way we've had two weeks straight of gun related crime, it's that bad it's not funny. And if we look at New Zealand they have less strict gun laws yet less gun related crime. We can all find stats to support each other's argument but I for one don't think our government knows shit. They made a gun registry for all guns purchased so they know who its registered to and the address of the owners. Good idea if the registry didn't get hacked and now the crims have a shopping list of were to get what guns they desire. Yet they blame the law abiding citizen.
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Can I ask were in Australia your from? Down my way we've had two weeks straight of gun related crime, it's that bad it's not funny.

Up Sydney way here so no stranger to criminals doing the tit for tat thing from time to time. Fortunately it's mostly crooks on crooks.
We catch alot of people and we catch them in the act and on the property. Most of the time they plead out to some probation. Why would you stop being a criminal.