caught in the act


Known around here
Mar 29, 2015
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almost to the bottom

We caught this guy, two nights ago, at a customer's property in Mississippi. We were able to notify the cop that lives on the property. He put some clothes on, grabbed his service weapon, and made the apprhension himself. We notified his department, who showed up a couple of minutes later. These cams are Dahua 1.3mp HD-CVI, which we recently upgaded from analog.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
Wish I could pull a gun on my prowlers, love how he put his hands up and got on the ground... thats much better than running and screaming like a bitch.


Getting comfortable
Sep 13, 2015
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We were able to notify the cop that lives on the property. He put some clothes on, grabbed his service weapon, and made the apprhension himself.
If he is renting I hope he gets a discount. He certainly earned one.

Wish I could pull a gun on my prowlers.
You can't? Based on the reporting we get down under, blowing people away who happen to be on your property is good sport in the USA, even if they are kids running away, or even when they turn out to be a family member.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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You can't? Based on the reporting we get down under, blowing people away who happen to be on your property is good sport in the USA, even if they are kids running away, or even when they turn out to be a family member.
It is purposely misreported by left wing media outlets who dont care about personal safety but rather their foolish anti-gun agenda...


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
pretty much, cant grab a gun and go arrest someone without opening your self to a metric buttload of liability.. im not willing to take on for a simple car prowler.. self defence in the face of grave danger only, nobody was in any danger so the situation does not permit civilians to pull out weapons. Security Guards cant really pull out a sidearm for just an arrest like this either and they have open carry licenses.

now if they come into my house, the liability is much less.. but you can still pretty much expect to be arrested first and everything straightened out later.

if any normal person did that they are likely to be hauled off and some assault charges considered by the local DA, depending on where you are.. Real life is rarely like the movies, owning and operating a gun is serious shit and not as free and willy nilly as many people think.. if you ever point one at anyone, expect to spend a few nights in the clink and a few thousand dollars burned while they make sure it was legit.

this guy was a cop, he's permitted to go in guns drawn anywhere, any time, without really any problem.. and that's the only way to get these prowlers, who just disappear into the dark once they sense danger.
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Getting comfortable
Sep 13, 2015
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It is purposely misreported by left wing media outlets who don't care about personal safety but rather their foolish anti-gun agenda...
Different environment here in Australia. Twenty years ago we had the Port Arthur massacre and following that all the states and territories got together to pass uniform national gun laws. We actually have more guns now than we did then, but less gun crime, and less crime generally. It has also been 20 years since our last massacre. You can't own a firearm for self defence. Only cops and security guards have them for that reason here.


Mar 27, 2014
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Different environment here in Australia. Twenty years ago we had the Port Arthur massacre and following that all the states and territories got together to pass uniform national gun laws. We actually have more guns now than we did then, but less gun crime, and less crime generally. It has also been 20 years since our last massacre. You can't own a firearm for self defence. Only cops and security guards have them for that reason here.
It would be good if in US they would do something about it, instead they are doing silly things like extensive background checks or arming school teachers.


Getting the hang of it
Feb 18, 2016
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It would be good if in US they would do something about it, instead they are doing silly things like extensive background checks or arming school teachers.
Some of the things they are doing are silly I will agree.

One thing that has to be taken into consideration is the USA is not an island or continent unto itself. Look how easily drug runners get drugs into the US.

Law abiding citizens should have the right to defend theirselves "if" they are truly threatened.

I don't believe everyone should have a guns, I don't think taking them away from good citizens is the answer either.

If someone breaks into my home and puts my family in danger, they had better run fast and hard. I wouldn't think twice if they tried harming my family or myself.

This is just my personal opinion, other opinions may differ and everyone is free to make their own choices.

To the OP, I really do love seeing the perp getting caught.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Different environment here in Australia. Twenty years ago we had the Port Arthur massacre and following that all the states and territories got together to pass uniform national gun laws. We actually have more guns now than we did then, but less gun crime, and less crime generally. It has also been 20 years since our last massacre. You can't own a firearm for self defence. Only cops and security guards have them for that reason here.
Yes, so everyone gave up their personal freedom because the ruling class terrorized the plebs into giving up their rights. Its very easy for the elite who pay for protection and live in safe areas to preach gun control. We have had worse massacres here. Doesn't matter. Each individual is, in theory at least, granted permission to protect themselves. Its also important to hyper analyse the statistics as to where gun bans actually reduce crime as the stats are heavily doctored and manipulated. The problem here is that they make it WAY to difficult to carry a weapon in many states and dont do enough to combat true crime.


Pulling my weight
Sep 8, 2015
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I've watched this like 10+ times. Awesome! Thanks for sharing.


Mar 27, 2014
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Some of the things they are doing are silly I will agree.

One thing that has to be taken into consideration is the USA is not an island or continent unto itself. Look how easily drug runners get drugs into the US.

Law abiding citizens should have the right to defend theirselves "if" they are truly threatened.

I don't believe everyone should have a guns, I don't think taking them away from good citizens is the answer either.

If someone breaks into my home and puts my family in danger, they had better run fast and hard. I wouldn't think twice if they tried harming my family or myself.

This is just my personal opinion, other opinions may differ and everyone is free to make their own choices.

To the OP, I really do love seeing the perp getting caught.
Trump promised to build a "beautiful wall" that should take care of one issue ;)


Getting comfortable
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Wish I could pull a gun on my prowlers, love how he put his hands up and got on the ground... thats much better than running and screaming like a bitch.
LMAO! The thanks button just wouldn't do in this case!


Getting comfortable
Sep 13, 2015
Reaction score
Yes, so everyone gave up their personal freedom because the ruling class terrorized the plebs into giving up their rights. Its very easy for the elite who pay for protection and live in safe areas to preach gun control. We have had worse massacres here. Doesn't matter. Each individual is, in theory at least, granted permission to protect themselves. Its also important to hyper analyse the statistics as to where gun bans actually reduce crime as the stats are heavily doctored and manipulated. The problem here is that they make it WAY to difficult to carry a weapon in many states and dont do enough to combat true crime.
I can see you feel strongly about the issue but Australia's gun homicide rate of 0.14 per 100,000 vs the US at 3.43 per 100,000 doesn't suggest the way we do it Down Under compromises our safety in any meaningful way. There was never any equivalent to the US second amendment in Australia. But like I said it is a different environment down here, both geographically, and politically.


Getting the hang of it
Mar 22, 2014
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There was never any equivalent to the US second amendment in Australia. But like I said it is a different environment down here, both geographically, and politically.
And historically, economically, demographically, etc. We could apple and orange our way all night and day, I'd say. ;)


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I can see you feel strongly about the issue but Australia's gun homicide rate of 0.14 per 100,000 vs the US at 3.43 per 100,000 doesn't suggest the way we do it Down Under compromises our safety in any meaningful way. There was never any equivalent to the US second amendment in Australia. But like I said it is a different environment down here, both geographically, and politically.
That's how stats lie. You cannot simply compare gun homicides specifically and you certainly cannot simply compare it the the US rate and come to these conclusions. You need to compare homicides in general regardless of method of death as well as the change before and after the law was enacted and look at Australia only. The truth is that the murder rate was extremely low before the ban and didnt change much after the ban. In fact in several years AFTER the ban homicides in Australia ROSE. The VERY slight decreases in some years are in line with decreases in other countries and are a result of economic and other forces. Bad math and statistics is how the politicians fear monger to the public. In today's internet age its fairly easy to find the truth.

Your personal safety is greatly compromised if you cannot defend yourself. Death is only one way to be affected. Rape, armed robbery and other violent crimes need to be considered. You also have to look at how many of those gun deaths are criminal on criminal and completely discount them. What is relevant is the protection of civilized law abiding society, 2nd amendment or not, its basic common sense. For the record, I dont own a firearm, but sure as hell think any law abiding citizen who feels the need for one should be able to obtain it with minimal hassle.


Getting the hang of it
Mar 28, 2016
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East TN. USA
Love the vid! Love it when bad guys are caught. But I just about bet he made bail and was out walking about with in six hours. In many cases the "justice" here in the US has no teeth. The police do their jobs but then after that it breaks down.

The media does portray what it wants people/the world to believe. No, we are not the rootin tootin wild west here for the most part. Gun laws vary from state to state. Now, in some states you are allowed to open carry. But when it comes to pulling your weapon you or someone else better be in danger.

Now some states have the "Castle" law or "Stand your ground" law. Here in TN we have both. This household is armed to the teeth due to all the lunatic druggies in our area that over the past few years have become pretty bold as far as kicking peoples doors in. In some cases unarmed owners wound up dead with their meds, and fast selling belongings gone. In other cases an armed home owner blew away a few scum buckets. For myself I prefer to be the latter and live. I am not liscensed so the ONLY place I can have my firearm is on my property. I AM allowed to defend my property, BUT, and here is where it is not black and white, they will look at all the circumstances. It would be very bad for me if the perp is outside my home proper and had broken into one of my sheds to grab lawn mower gas and I kill him and he is unarmed and I shoot him in the back. BUT, on the other hand if I confront him while breaking into my shed and he turns and is armed even with something like a large knife and I feel threatened I can drop him. But like what was pointed out earlier even with the shooting justified I can expect to be relieved of ALL my guns and be given a ride. If the family of the perp cries to loudly over what a good person they were and so on I would just about have to get a lawyer.

So no, we are not the wild wild west here. Oh, in some cities it may sound like it, but that is mainly gang on gang violence.


Getting the hang of it
Jun 8, 2014
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Most of those numbers for the US are from suicide.