Well makes more sense than the original, it had me puzzled!There are multiple viewer apps for Android, which usually come with a fixed list of supported cameras, and usually some way of adding an unsupported camera via a generic method such as an RTSP string, HTTP method - and ONVIF.Google will list loads of them for you.One such app, which has a huge range of built-in models, and various generic methods including ONVIF, is 'IPcam Viewer' by Robert Chou. Well known, popular, works well, I've used it for quite a while.On your second question - you could consider the ONVIF support of the camera simply as a means of knowing a lot about the camera by querying it with 'ONVIF Device Manager'.You can then use that information to configure connections to the camera.For example, the RTSP string can be found in the URI at the bottom of the Live Video page. This provides IP address, port and the profile string.