side note for future folks searching the forums about bridge routers and why:
some ISP's (your internet provider) supply you with their own modem (I have Charter so I have the Charter cable modem). These can be identified as a coaxial cable going in and a SINGLE RJ45 port coming out. This would only be a modem, you are required to self purchase your own router. Some ISP's supply you with a combination modem/router (which may or may not have WiFi enabled) that have a coaxial cable going in and multiple (usually 5) RJ45 ports coming out. These ISP combination modem/routers are not every configurable so many folks convert the combination modem/router into just a modem, which is called BRIDGING. We then purchase our own routers that can be highly configured (example: can add OpenVPN to it, USB storage device, more control over WiFi options, etc) and connect to the BRIDGED ISP combination modem/router.
There was no way to get there. REFUSED.
So I did the only thing I could. I rebooted my router. Now I have to make all kinds of changes. The first one I had to make was to change to
This had to be done because all of my cameras ip end with 0.x instead 1.x