Choosing a dahua doorbell


Jul 28, 2020
Melbourne, Australia

Been looking around for doorbells for my house from dahua. Using Dahua NVR with Dmss App

There are 3 options that I'm considering but wanted to see if there was any input on whoch is better:
Screen: VTH2421FB(W)-P

Doorbell Options
1: DHI-VTO2311R-WP
2: DHI-VTO2202F-P (also s2 version or this original)
3: DHI-VTO2211G-WP (Hardwired)

If anyone has any experiance or recommendations it would be greatly appreciated.
I have two VTO2311R-WP's and six VTH2621GW-WP's. I love mine, but judging from other forum discussions, I might be the only the person
on here who does! :lol:

In fact, I posted not too long about my use case and received not a single response! :lmao:

But having said that, I think there is an important distinction between "video doorbell" and "video intercom" and I think the most folks on the forum
are looking for a "video doorbell" which is a significantly different use case than a "video intercom" (or significantly different than
my video intercom use case anyway).

With the caveats that I use Blue Iris and not an NVR and I do not use Dmss, my experience is that the Dahua VTO's are high quality,
work well with Blue Iris, integrate well with Home Assistant using the DahuaVTO2MQTT app, and obviously integrate well with the
Dahua VTH screens.

It sounds as if you are knowledgeable about the products, but please don't be a dummy like me about mixing the Gen 1, 2, and 3 products:
I have two VTO2311R-WP's and six VTH2621GW-WP's
In fact, I posted not too long about my use case and received not a single response!
Yea, was scouring this doorbell section but seems like a ghost town!

I do like the look of the VTO2311R-WP over the others and seems to be decent in the poor world of doorbells/intercom.
Honestly my use case is purely doorbell, have a camera half a meter above proposed doorbell location and dont use electronic unlock.
Just need it to ring, ping my phone and talkback (even though can talk back on camera TOIC)

You mentioned mixing series, is the VTH2421FB(W)-P the same series (not very documented on dahuas weird series model numbering system)
The only reason I went with that VTH is I think I read you can monitor other cameras on it and relatively cheap
You mentioned mixing series, is the VTH2421FB(W)-P the same series (not very documented on dahuas weird series model numbering system)
Definitely send Andy (@EMPIRETECANDY ) and email (called Conversations on the forum):


The only reason I went with that VTH is I think I read you can monitor other cameras on it and relatively cheap

Yes, they can. There is another current thread:
I have a VTO2211G-WP hardwired to my NVR which powers it via POE. Solid unit and a very decent mic. Only issue I have is that it stops the audio recording on the NVR when someone makes a call. Small issue that doesn't both me as I have other cams with mics nearby.