Choppy Playback


Sep 2, 2015
Have any of you had any issues with choppy playback with the Hikvision cams? What typically is the cause and resolve?
No, those links are more about blur. I am experiencing more of a start and stop or sync issue of the video. Video appears to stop then restart around every 1-2 seconds.
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It might be the iframe setting, that gives the look of an image "reset" every couple of seconds on the default settings. Try setting the FPS to 15 and the iframe to 15 and see what it looks like then. That's just my first thought without more information on the specific issue. If that's not it we'll need more info on what you are using and existing camera settings. NVR or Blue Iris, resolutions, all the gory details and we'll be more help.

Best guess is the iframe setting though just for an off the cuff guess.
Is it choppy when viewing the video stream live? If it's only choppy when viewing it after it's been recorded, then changing the camera's settings will probably not do any good. The problem would likely be either in the recording software or a resource issue with the computer doing the recording and/or computer playing back the file.

The next step would be to determine exactly where in the recorded video clips the choppiness is occurred. For example, if you play the clip 5 times, do the "chops" occur at the exact same spots in the video or do they occur at different spots each time you play the video. If the skips/chops occur at the exact same spots each time you play the clip, then the clip was likely recorded with the errors due to the settings of the recorder and/or an error or resource issue on the computer while recording.....If the skips/chops happen at different spots in the video clip each time you play it, that will prove that the video recorded fine and that the problem is either in the playback software or a resource issue with the computer playing it back. Can also test this by playing the clips on different computers
i have tried different drives. currently recording to a 450MB/s SSD.

It is choppy live but looks a bit more noticeable when watching on a remote cellphone using the BI app
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