Clips and Archiving Question


Sep 15, 2017
Reaction score
Simple scenario I'm trying to setup, however, for the life of me, I just cant seem to get
it to work as I envision it.

Using version x64

Simply want to save all initial video captures to, "New", (C:\BlueIris\New), which it
does, no problem there.

I then want to take, anything over 12 hours old, and move it from, "New", to another
hard drive I have on the same system, a 3TB drive, for permanent storage.

Sounds ridiculously simply, but no matter what I setup as the 3TB drive, (Stored, Aux 1, etc.),
the files NEVER get moved.

They stay in, "New".

Perhaps the real magic lies in the, "Limit Size", and "Limit Clip Age".

Any suggestion to get my scenario to work?

Thank you.



Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Simple scenario I'm trying to setup, however, for the life of me, I just cant seem to get
it to work as I envision it.

Using version x64

Simply want to save all initial video captures to, "New", (C:\BlueIris\New), which it
does, no problem there.

I then want to take, anything over 12 hours old, and move it from, "New", to another
hard drive I have on the same system, a 3TB drive, for permanent storage.

Sounds ridiculously simply, but no matter what I setup as the 3TB drive, (Stored, Aux 1, etc.),
the files NEVER get moved.

They stay in, "New".

Perhaps the real magic lies in the, "Limit Size", and "Limit Clip Age".

Any suggestion to get my scenario to work?

Thank you.

uncheck do not monitor free space...
increase you size limit on both drives...10gb is is nothing...
set aux folder to delete not move to aux, as you are telling it to move it to itself...
finally, all this causes unnecessary constant read and write to both drives....simply divide the cameras and record some to one drive others to the other...