Since I was having a host of problems getting CPAI to function after one of the latest BI updates, I started over from scratch. cuDNN, CUDA, zlib, Path variables double checked, and finally CPAI re installed. A couple anomalies on the CPAI install.
First, it installed Face Processing, YOLOv5 .NET, and YOLOV5 6.2 without me asking it to. During the YOLOv5 6.2 install the server displayed this red line in the log:
19:12:00:ObjectDetectionYolo: ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
19:12:00:ObjectDetectionYolo: botocore 1.29.133 requires urllib3<1.27,>=1.25.4, but you have urllib3 2.0.2 which is incompatible.
19:12:00:ObjectDetectionYolo: google-auth 2.18.0 requires urllib3<2.0, but you have urllib3 2.0.2 which is incompatible.
Then, when installing ALPR, it does this:
20:55:19: Preparing to install module 'ALPR'
20:55:19: Downloading module 'ALPR'
20:55:19: Installing module 'ALPR'
20:55:19: ALPR: Installing CodeProject.AI Analysis Module
20:55:19 ALPR: ========================================================================
20:55:19: ALPR: CodeProject.AI Installer
20:55:19: ALPR: ========================================================================
20:55:19: ALPR: CUDA Present...True
20:55:19: ALPR: Allowing GPU Support: Yes
20:55:19: ALPR: Allowing CUDA Support: Yes
20:55:19: ALPR: General CodeProject.AI setup
20:55:19: ALPR: Creating Directories...Done
20:55:19: ALPR: Installing module ALPR
20:55:19: ALPR: Installing python37 in C:\Program Files\CodeProject\AI\runtimes\bin\windows\python37
20:55:19: ALPR: Checking for python37 download...Present
20:55:23: ALPR: Creating Virtual Environment...Done
20:55:23: ALPR: Enabling our Virtual Environment...Done
20:55:23: ALPR: Confirming we have Python 3.7...present
20:55:24: ALPR: Ensuring Python package manager (pip) is installed...Done
20:55:28: ALPR: Ensuring Python package manager (pip) is up to date...Done
20:55:28: ALPR: Choosing Python packages from
20:56:46:ALPR: WARNING: Retrying (Retry(total=4, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'ReadTimeoutError("HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=15)")': /whl/windows/mkl/avx/stable.html
20:57:59: ALPR: Installing Packages into Virtual Environment...Success
20:58:00: ALPR: Ensuring Python package manager (pip) is installed...Done
20:58:02: ALPR: Ensuring Python package manager (pip) is up to date...Done
20:58:02: ALPR: Choosing Python packages from requirements.txt
20:58:05: ALPR: Installing Packages into Virtual Environment...Success
20:58:05: ALPR: Applying patch for PaddlePaddle
20:58:05: ALPR: 1 file(s) copied.
20:58:14: ALPR: Downloading ALPR models...Expanding...Done.
20:58:14: ALPR: Module setup complete
20:58:14: Module ALPR installed successfully.
20:58:14: Module 'License Plate Reader' (ID: ALPR)
20:58:14: Module Path: C:\Program Files\CodeProject\AI\modules\ALPR
20:58:14: AutoStart: True
20:58:14: Queue: alpr_queue
20:58:14: Platforms: windows,linux,macos,macos-arm64
20:58:14:GPU: Support enabled
20:58:14: Parallelism: 0
20:58:14:Half Precis.: enable
20:58:14:Runtime: python37
20:58:14:Runtime Loc: Local
20:58:14: Pre installed: False
20:58:14:Start pause: 1 sec
20:58:14:Valid: True
20:58:14:Environment Variables
20:58:14:AUTO_PLATE_ROTATE = True
20:58:14: PLATE_CONFIDENCE = 0.7
20:58:14: PLATE_ROTATE_DEG = 0
20:58:14:Started License Plate Reader module
20:58:14:Installer exited with code 1
20:58:14:Unknown response from server
20:58:15:Module ALPR started successfully. Timeout connecting to the server
Thanks for any insights.