Contact id protocol for alarm system communications

Nov 7, 2016
Hello everyone.....

I am a SPAMMER for Calgary-based company (Calgary Alarm Inc.). I post bogus questions on forums to generate business. I would recommend staying away from Calgary Alarm Inc. :)
This post has been edited by fenderman to include the REAL reason this poster came to the forum.
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Hello everyone.....

Soon I'll be [[possible spam]] Calgary-based company ([[possible spam]]). Can any help me out to find what contact id protocol for alarm system communications they usually use? Is it possible to set up my alarm for Contact ID communication protocol manually?
In case, if the internet goes out, how does these alarm system work? Is there anyone out here who has basic technicality knowledge on alarm systems.
Your post makes very little sense and frankly neither do your other posts here...
While I think you may be a spammer, I'm still going to attempt to provide some relevant information.

Unless specified otherwise assume an alarm system communicates over an old landline phone. To do this they use various formats like CID, SIA, or practically obsolete formats like 4+2, 3+1, etc.
You'll never see a company the sells or monitors alarms bragging about this sort of stuff it's not interesting and would just confuse people.

Today there are also a variety of options for monitoring alarms over the internet or a cellular connection. Most of these provide full information about what zone was activated and such, a very small number don't. If you want reliability cellular monitoring is your best bet.

Unless you're installing things yourself, your alarm company will take care of all these details.
Your post makes very little sense and frankly neither do your other posts here...
While I think you may be a spammer, I'm still going to attempt to provide some relevant information.

Unless specified otherwise assume an alarm system communicates over an old landline phone. To do this they use various formats like CID, SIA, or practically obsolete formats like 4+2, 3+1, etc.
You'll never see a company the sells or monitors alarms bragging about this sort of stuff it's not interesting and would just confuse people.

Today there are also a variety of options for monitoring alarms over the internet or a cellular connection. Most of these provide full information about what zone was activated and such, a very small number don't. If you want reliability cellular monitoring is your best bet.

Unless you're installing things yourself, your alarm company will take care of all these details.
spammer for sure...gonna take care of it..