Crazy thought of the day: can BI interrupt my screensaver when an alert is triggered?


Getting the hang of it
Apr 10, 2022
So forgive me as I've not even installed BI yet... But I'm going down the path toward it. I've got a few IP cameras now and have been tinkering with them and the outputs of which will soon be fed into BI.

The crazy thought is this: can Bi interrupt my screensaver when an ONVIF alert from a camera is detected?

Background: I'm a hobbyist photographer. So I've taken quite a few photos that I'd like to run in a continuous slideshow somewhere. Since I will soon have a BI PC running and for the most part, the security video being captured is not interesting, I thought I'd show my photos on a screensaver app running on the BI computer.

But when something happens on one of the cameras (e.g. somebody approaching the front door), I'd like BI to interrupt the screensaver and show me what's going on. This would be akin to moving the mouse or hitting a key on the keyboard. I'm aware those are physical activities that BI may not be able to emulate. I'm just asking the question in case someone might know or if I'm not the 1st person to have dreamt this up and a solution is known.
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