The pic looks really really shap and nice well focused :D Absolutely Amazing !!
Yes, you can even read Ken Grody on the license plate frame on the Red Ford Explorer.

Would love to see some night action with movement in it to see how it handles that.
Would love to see some night action with movement in it to see how it handles that.

Right now I have it set at 18fps. I do not want this thing to eat up to much of my memory capacity. By the way my Hikvision NVR now recognizes this camera as 4K and there is no lag or any other problem as reported in the other thread on this camera. Here is a picture I took this morning. The sharpness in detail is much better, even way down the street.

Camea 6F Dahua Morning.jpg
Thanks for your upload and me "personally" I like the pictures from Your Hikvision it seams grab focus better.
Can I ask what options you have for the bitrate setting and what it was set @ for your picture above?
Bitrate is 8092. If you are referring to the focus of the stop sign then yes. But IMHO everything else is much sharper. I have other cameras that cover the front of the house including the sidewalk by the stop sign. The purpose of this camera is to cover the intersection by the area just in front of the red Ford and anything further down the street. In my opinion the lens on this camera is set up more for longer range and as such I have the focus set like that. I can change the focus to closer in but I will lose the sharpness further out. The lens on this camera is from16mm to 320mm so it can reach out. By the way the camera that I posted this picture is a Dahua 2MP which I will upgrade to the new 4MP with the 1/1.8" sensor in a few months. I have another camera to upgrade ahead of this one. The memory of my NVR is taking a beating with all of these upgrades. A new NVR will be on order later in the year that has more capacity. This one is 16 terrabytes.

Camera 2F Daytime.jpg
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As long as you are happy that's all that matters and the Dahua 4MP with the 1/1.8" is another excellent performer. What made you change your Hikvision and do you have a picture of the install of your new 4k PTZ.
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To be fair it doesn't look unsightly and better than the Hikvision
This video shows some action with people walking their dogs and also a car driving by. I have the camera set at 18FPS. At the end of the dog walk portion look down the street at the guy with the turban getting into his car. I like the crispy detail. :)

Excellent footage that and can see every bit of detail and can't wait till you can get some night footage with car or people movement.
Here is a quick clip of my Dahua 6 series 2MP on a short tour.

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This would be my next upgrade also as on paper looks very promising IPC-B5442T-ASE in a 25x zoom but $510 plus fedex USD50 is a little steep.
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Not much action going on tonight. Looks like everyone is pretty much staying home. I will have to review the video tomorrow and look for people out for a walk and car movement.
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Here are a couple of still pictures with one from the Hikvision that I could not find earlier for some reason. Look at the license plates on the cars on the left for a comparison. Dahua 4K PTZ on the top.

Camera 6F Dahua Daylight Comparison 2.jpgCamera 6F Hikvision Daylight Comparison.jpgCamera 6F Hikvision Daylight Comparison.jpg
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That's pretty good even with street light :thumb:

Excellent footage that and can see every bit of detail and can't wait till you can get some night footage with car or people movement.
Here is a quick clip of my Dahua 6 series 2MP on a short tour.

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Close up focus at the junction is still poor and that's understandable from a camera with a Min 16mm focal length other than that I think it looks Excellent.