I upped the bit rate to 14000. I will look into the aperture. I like the idea you guys are giving me.
That is the next area I want to work on some more. It seems that the focus distance is reduced as of last night compared to day time. However in that focus distance the picture is very good. I was watching a man and a woman walk down the street toward the camera and when they entered the focus area they were very clear and I could clearly read the writing on the man's shirt. ID'ing them would be easy. By the way I have the IR lights off if anyone wants to know.Can you post another video when you have a chance with this new dialed in focus .. At nightSpecially with some movment maybe people moving or cars when you get a chance. Thank you one again The quality is amazing !
Thanks for the info. I played with the settings last night for quite awhile, adjusting them back and forth to see what would happen. I even initialized the lens setting, not sure I should have done that. By the time I finished there was no one out walking that I saw, so no pictures. I will just play with the aperture tonight and see what happens. As of right now I think I have the daytime dialed in. The night time seems to have good focus for maybe 150' or so. Closer in starts to lose focus and further out it from that starts to lose focus. I am having trouble stretching that out. I have the IR shut off, maybe I should give that a try. Usually with the IR on peoples faces do not show up well at all.As general photography principle, if you have aperture control, smaller is better in daylight to maximise depth of view (set it on a dull day rather than a bright sunny one or you might find too much gain kicking in on dull days or a picture that is dark) and for night larger is better for light gathering, albeit with the caveat stay as small as you can as each step up reduces the depth of field and thus the range of objects in focus.
Did you try the Enhance button?
What settings did you end up going with? This looks sharp on all four corners, not kiddingThank you for that answer. I think I have found the happy medium. Picture from a few minutes ago.
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