Getting comfortable
Just to chime in. When I replaced my Apple Airport Extreme router with an Asus RT-AC68U recently I was surprised at the number of UPnP ports my Hikvision cameras had opened. I quickly disabled UPnP on the router and blocked the 6 cameras from accessing the internet - a 2 minute job on the router.
If anyone is looking the Asus is a good little router. A few years old now but rock solid and been through a couple of hardware updates. I was briefly blinded by all the flashy marketing of the newer model routers but stuck with the '68U. I'd recommend it (oh and has VPN server functionality).
Rodger that on the Asus Routers. I have tried many Linksys routers (high end) in the past for VPN w/o any luck. Not even the Linksys engineers could figure it out. Asus make it so easy, I have the AC1900 and very happy. Lock out all cams from internet access.