I looked into that before but I think what I found was the ability to toggle the IR filter, not the camera's profile.
I just set this up today for an outdoor camera to give it a little bit of WDR during the day in domoticz, simple script:
HTML:commandArray = {} -- Switch cameras to day profile if (timeofday['Daytime']) then commandArray['OpenURL']='http://user:pwd@[0].Config[0]=0' -- Switch cameras to night profile elseif (timeofday['Nighttime']) then commandArray['OpenURL']='http://user:pwd@[0].Config[0]=1' end return commandArray
All I have to do now is add URL's for any other cameras I want to change profiles with, and this will change based on sunrise and sunset.![]()
Amazing! Thank you!!While I was on my vacation recently I built a tiny windows service, complete with a configuration GUI, that can change between Day and Night profiles on multiple Dahua cameras.
Anyone may install and use this (on a Windows system, anyway) without having to mess around with configuration files.
GitHub - bp2008/DahuaSunriseSunset: A Windows Service which changes the profile of dahua cameras between Night and Day at each sunset and sunrise.
While I was on my vacation recently I built a tiny windows service, complete with a configuration GUI, that can change between Day and Night profiles on multiple Dahua cameras.
Anyone may install and use this (on a Windows system, anyway) without having to mess around with configuration files.
GitHub - bp2008/DahuaSunriseSunset: A Windows Service which changes the profile of dahua cameras between Night and Day at each sunset and sunrise.
Nice stuff BP2008!
The only problem that I'm experiencing is that the sunrise/sunset times are the wrong way around. (The Netherlands) For now I've setup my "Day settings" in the "Night profile" and vice versa.
While I was on my vacation recently I built a tiny windows service, complete with a configuration GUI, that can change between Day and Night profiles on multiple Dahua cameras.
Anyone may install and use this (on a Windows system, anyway) without having to mess around with configuration files.
GitHub - bp2008/DahuaSunriseSunset: A Windows Service which changes the profile of dahua cameras between Night and Day at each sunset and sunrise.
@bp2008 Thanks for creating this utility. I set it up and it ran as expected on my IPC-HFW5231E-Z12 but the focus didn't change. When I set focus manually using "cgi-bin/devVideoInput.cgi?action=adjustFocus&focus=0.766667&zoom=0.865225" I have to run it twice about 90 seconds apart to get the focus to adjust. Any recommendations on how to solve this problem?
I noticed the command is rather unreliable, and that is why the app sends the command 3 or 4 times, several seconds apart. I don't know what more I could do (within reason) to make it work.
Could you add a "seconds between focus commands" field? That way I could set it to 60-90 in my configuration and anyone else could set it to what works for them. It's a very useful utility and other than the strange behavior of my camera it works great. Thanks
Awesome, that was quick, thanks! I'll try it out in a few minutes and let you know.Done. Try version 1.2 and see if it works better.
Yea, I don't know why it takes that long of a delay for that camera to stop it's autofocus nonsense.30 seconds? lol