Marketing or does it actually WORK?
Hi Valiant -
Numerous issues with false positives on facial ID - so for places which have some sort of civil rights you really do not want to deploy such a system.
( hint - cell phone tracking works better )
That noted, China wants something like this... when the real estate bubble pops in China it will be painful, and the ruling party will do a lot to stop any sort of civil unrest.
Chinese street has many different cameras, too many cameras, i don't like it. In big city every 100meters have a dahua PTZ. Every Crossroad has 4-8 cameras. That is crazy. China has 1.4 billions population, too big and not easy to control. Those cameras mainly for public security, anyway most place here are very safe.Marketing or does it actually WORK?
Yes, Matt is right, the AI technology not always good, so that is why till now i sell 0 to USA.Hi Valiant -
Numerous issues with false positives on facial ID - so for places which have some sort of civil rights you really do not want to deploy such a system.
( hint - cell phone tracking works better )
That noted, China wants something like this... when the real estate bubble pops in China it will be painful, and the ruling party will do a lot to stop any sort of civil unrest.
. Every Crossroad has 4-8 cameras. That is crazy
Agree, I'm sure their products work individually but integrating everything city wide to be seamless is another story. Lots of people struggle to configure an IP address or a VPN at moment.
I think their promo is at least 5 years ahead of itself.
Apparently you missed this:The background score kept me at the edge of my seat.
I've concluded; only thing missing is:
And, True to form: Let’s work out the ethical rights of killer robots
We have them here and they are a total pain in the ass. 2-3 months out of the year the sun is in the right place during the morning and evening rushes to blind the cameras on east-west streets and hold vacant side streets and/or turn arrows green while traffic piles up on the main drag. They also cause issues when dirt builds up on the lenses or there is rain or snow, because it screws up the object detection algorithm. Induction loops work better (unless you're on a motorcycle of course) IMO.I would like those used to turn some lights (signals) green, particularly at night!
You're right, I think Spielberg directed this one tbhWhat, you don't like documentaries?