Update - Definitely an interaction with the 5231R-Z camera causing the NVR reboots. I configured and hooked up 5231R-Z camera #2 that I purchased with the DVR two months or so after the first camera. I set it up without updating the firmware and connected to cam 1 Ethernet cable. It is version 2.460.0000.3.R, 2017-01-05 f/w. I left Cam #1 connected on another port, but no tripwire on it. Cam #2 was setup like cam #1 as far as I can tell and a 'zigzag' tripwire enabled. After 24 hrs test there were NO REBOOTS (except 'normal' scheduled reboot @ 2:00am with flag 0x00). Many tripwire events last night and today, but still no NVR error reboots with both cams running. NVR direct VGA and SmartPSS both show both cams operational and tripwire active only on cam #2.
Does anyone know if there is a hardware version I can pull out of the camera UI anywhere? I want to see if the two cameras have the same boards in them before I go further (without digging around inside if possible).
The NVR shouldn't crash ... period. But it does appear the camera #1 tripwire (with latest f/w update 2.460.0000.7.R, 2017-03-06) can obviously crash it on tripwire events while cam #2 does not. So it's either camera hardware\firmware or I missed something in making the configurations the same.
@EMPIRECANDY - Message me know if you want to give camera s\n or other info to Dahua to help with the fix.
Next step is to restart cam 1 tripwire to see if reboots return. Will also pull up both camera UIs side by side to verify same config on both to rule that out.
Pic of the test zigzag tripwire on cam #2 below - Just noticed time is off, it should be 5:08pm. Yet another thing I have been wrestling with.
View attachment 19042