Dahua NVR4108-8P-4KS2 web password failure


Aug 30, 2018
Melbourne, Australia
Hi guys,

Long time lurker, first time poster here. Before I start i just wanted to say thanks to the posters on the forum here and the advice given which ultimately helped me decide on my purchase.

I recently purchased a NVR4108-8P-4KS2 along with 4 x IPC-HDW4431C-A cameras. Anyways I installed the unit and all works well as a standalone unit without web access. I hooked the NVR up to the router and opened up TCP port 37777 through the modem (confirmed through canyouseeme ) and downloaded the Dahua config tool. From there i can see the NVR and click on the explorer icon to open the web interface. I enter the standard 888888 details and have tried the admin details and it either shows up with "the account does not exist" or "invalid password" (see attached photos). The 888888 details work when logging in to the NVR directly though so i'm confused. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Hi guys,

Long time lurker, first time poster here. Before I start i just wanted to say thanks to the posters on the forum here and the advice given which ultimately helped me decide on my purchase.

I recently purchased a NVR4108-8P-4KS2 along with 4 x IPC-HDW4431C-A cameras. Anyways I installed the unit and all works well as a standalone unit without web access. I hooked the NVR up to the router and opened up TCP port 37777 through the modem (confirmed through canyouseeme ) and downloaded the Dahua config tool. From there i can see the NVR and click on the explorer icon to open the web interface. I enter the standard 888888 details and have tried the admin details and it either shows up with "the account does not exist" or "invalid password" (see attached photos). The 888888 details work when logging in to the NVR directly though so i'm confused. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

To my understanding, these port forwards are required by Dahua:
Default Ports: TCP: 37777 UDP: 37778 HTTP: 80 RTSP: 554 HTTPS: 443

BUT as described by tons of advices here on the forum, and the Cliff Notes and VPN primer: DO NOT WORK WITH PORT FORWARDS, instead use a VPN and work like residing on your own LAN from anywhere in the world.
Yes, you are quite right. My apologies.
When I (temporarily) had a Dahua NVR to unbrick I did find the LAN vs WAN access terminology a bit confusing, this was just after they applied some restrictions on what was allowed from where.
Thanks again guys. I didnt see there was a cliff note section. I did a search through on the specific NVR model but didnt see any help with this issue. Is the VPN the only way to properly get this set up? I did have trouble when trying to open up the other ports though.
In the manual for my NVR it says that the 888888 account is local access only. If yours is the same, you'd have to create another user for access over the network.
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Not sure where you purchased your NVR however I can tell you that the 888888 or 666666 account is for local or direct access only. It is kind of a safeguard with the older NVR's. They will not work over the network period. As @tigerwillow1 said, you need to create another account wile logged on directly from your NVR to access it over a lan. Reworked firmware can be a ball buster with Dahua depending on the vendor who you purchased it from. You might try to re-set your NVR to defaults and try it again, You should NOT have to screw with any port forwarding at all to access your system over a LAN. You might want to try downloading SmartPSS and giving that a try if you want access over your lan but my bet would be if you cannot access direct it will not work but might be worth a try.
If you can create a NEW user and password local and have it work, you have NO need for a reset password tool, you have other issues going on with your computer, network or browser. Try using Pale moon browser and see what happens. Perhaps you can bypass your router and hook a laptop direct to your NVR
(make sure your subnet on the laptop is the same) and try to log in that way. Use the management port on the NVR and see what happens, If you still cannot log in with your new user and password then I would say do a factory reset on the NVR and set it back to defaults.