DAHUA TiOC IVS misses human intrusions

^ +1

I have a cheap no name camera that I use for an overview, so I do not care too much about picture quality - more to just kinda see around.

But one of the cool things that camera has though in the gui is it shows the CPU usage.

If I max out the FPS, bitrate, use it's motion detection and set it to the most sensitive, the CPU maxes out 100% quite often.

If I run it at 15 FPS with an appropriate bitrate and motion detection at a reasonable level, the CPU sits around 40%.

It would be interesting to see if someone knows a way to figure out CPU usage on some of these 4MP and 8MP cams on the same sensor/chip as the 2MP cams. But I would expect it would be somewhat similar.

And BTW it appears that the person that mucked up this thread is no longer here and the posts are gone, so some of the above posts now no longer make sense to people just now seeing this thread LOL.
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