I have Dahua VTO6221E-P and raspi4 running freePBX. But I can't seem to connect the VTO to the asterisk server.
I have attached my dahua and asterisk extensions below. The 201 extension is MicroSip running on my PC so I can test.
I am new to SIP and have tried running asterisk on WSL2 but couldnt get it working so I went with freePBX.
Is there an issue with my config? I can get the camera feed in blueiris no problem though, just cant get the SIP working. I have no other SIP devices currently to test it out. The ultimate plan is to have this unit outside and have tablets running home assistant kiosk ring as a doorbell.

I have attached my dahua and asterisk extensions below. The 201 extension is MicroSip running on my PC so I can test.
I am new to SIP and have tried running asterisk on WSL2 but couldnt get it working so I went with freePBX.
Is there an issue with my config? I can get the camera feed in blueiris no problem though, just cant get the SIP working. I have no other SIP devices currently to test it out. The ultimate plan is to have this unit outside and have tablets running home assistant kiosk ring as a doorbell.